Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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LINCOLN THE UNKNOWN • 31<strong>the</strong>ir anxiety to move forward, decided to go on withouthim. "But I could not endure <strong>the</strong> idea of abandoning evena dog," related <strong>Lincoln</strong>. "Pulling off shoes and socks Iwaded across <strong>the</strong> stream and triumphantly returned with<strong>the</strong> shivering animal under my arm. His frantic leaps ofjoy and o<strong>the</strong>r evidences of a dog's gratitude amply repaidme for all <strong>the</strong> exposure I had undergone."While <strong>the</strong> oxen were pulling <strong>the</strong> <strong>Lincoln</strong>s across <strong>the</strong> prairiesCongress was debating with deep and ominous emotion <strong>the</strong>question of whe<strong>the</strong>r or not a State had a right to withdrawfrom <strong>the</strong> Union; and during that debate Daniel Webster arosein <strong>the</strong> United States Senate and, in his deep, golden, bell-likevoice, delivered a speech which <strong>Lincoln</strong> afterward regarded"as <strong>the</strong> grandest specimen of American oratory." It is knownas "Webster's Reply to Hayne" and ends with <strong>the</strong> memorablewords which <strong>Lincoln</strong> later adopted as his own political religion:"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"This cyclonic issue of secession was to be settled a third ofa century later, not by <strong>the</strong> mighty Webster, <strong>the</strong> gifted Clay, or<strong>the</strong> famous Calhoun, but by an awkward, penniless, obscuredriver of oxen who was now heading for Illinois, wearing acoonskin cap and buckskin trousers, and singing with ribaldgusto:"Hail Columbia, happy land,If you ain't drunk, <strong>the</strong>n I'll be damned."

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