Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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and Jefferson as hisLINCOLN THE UNKNOWN• 27models. His handwriting resembled <strong>the</strong>irs.It was unusually clear and distinct. People commented on it,and <strong>the</strong> illiterate neighbors walked for miles to have Abrahamwrite <strong>the</strong>ir letters.He was finding a real tang and zest, now, in learning. Thehours at school were all too short, he carried his studies home.Paper was scarce and high, so he wrote on a board with acharcoal stick. Sometimes he ciphered on <strong>the</strong> flat sides of <strong>the</strong>hewn logs that formed <strong>the</strong> cabin walls. Whenever a bare surfacebecame covered with figures and writing he shaved <strong>the</strong>m offwith a drawing-knife and began anew.Too poor to buy an arithmetic, he borrowed one and copiedit on sheets of paper about <strong>the</strong> size of an ordinary letter-head.Then he sewed <strong>the</strong>m toge<strong>the</strong>r with twine, and so had a homemadearithmetic of his own. At <strong>the</strong> time of his death his stepmo<strong>the</strong>rstill had portions of this book.Now he began to exhibit a trait which sharply distinguishedhim from <strong>the</strong> rest of <strong>the</strong> backwoods scholars. He wanted towrite out his opinions on various topics; at times he evenbroke into verse. And he took his verse and prose compositionto William Wood, a neighbor, for criticism. He memorized andrecited his rhymes, and his essays attracted attention. A lawyerwas so impressed with his article on national politics that hesent it away and had it published. A newspaper in Ohio featuredan article he wrote on temperance.But this was later. His first composition here in school wasinspired by <strong>the</strong> cruel sports of his playmates. They used tocatch terrapins and put burning coals on <strong>the</strong>ir backs. <strong>Lincoln</strong>pleaded with <strong>the</strong>m to stop it, and ran and kicked off <strong>the</strong> coalswith his bare feet. His first essay was a plea for mercy to animals.Already <strong>the</strong> boy was showing that deep sympathy for<strong>the</strong> suffering which was to be so characteristic of <strong>the</strong> man.Five years later he attended ano<strong>the</strong>r school irregularly— "byas he phrased it.littles,"Thus ended all his formal attempts at education, with a totalof not more than twelve months of schooling.When he went to Congress in 1847 and filled out a biographicalblank, he came to <strong>the</strong> question, "What has been your education?"He answered it with one word: "Defective."After he was nominated for <strong>the</strong> Presidency he said: "WhenI came of age, I did not know much. Still, somehow, I couldread, write, and cipher to <strong>the</strong> rule of three; but that was all.

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