Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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—THE DALE CARNEGIE COURSEMore than 1 million men and womenhave taken <strong>the</strong> Dale Carnegie Course as abasic part of <strong>the</strong>ir adult education program.The Dale Carnegie Course helps you buildpoise and self-confidence, teaches you moreeffective ways to communicate with o<strong>the</strong>rs andto give a positive account of yourself in reallife situations. Equally important it can helpyou understand o<strong>the</strong>r people, find a new abilityto absorb knowledge and absorb it faster.DALE CARNEGIE SALES COURSEFor salesmen and sales executives whoare concerned with selling performance andcost reduction. It is an organized time savingmethod of teaching motivational sellingbringing quick results. It teaches <strong>the</strong> salesmenboth sides of <strong>the</strong> motivational coin—selfmotivationas well as customer-motivation.The program requires no loss of sellingtime. Training sessions are held evenings andcould be easily made up if missed. It teachessalesmen where to find <strong>the</strong> courage and selfconfidenceto call on and stay with <strong>the</strong> toughestcustomer.DOROTHY CARNEGIE COURSEDesigned for <strong>the</strong> individual woman seekingself-realization and self-fulfillment. Thisprogram helps women develop self-confidence,social poise, conversational ease and humanrelations abilities. The course aids <strong>the</strong>m indetermining <strong>the</strong>ir personal goals plus bringingto <strong>the</strong> surface more of <strong>the</strong>ir potential abilities.For more information on any of our courses, cutout and fill in <strong>the</strong> coupon below and mail it to:Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc.1475 Franklin Ave., Garden City, N.Y.Please send me more information about:Dale Carnegie CourseDale Carnegie Sales CourseDorothy Carnegie CourseDale Carnegie Customer Relations CourseDale Carnegie Supervision & ManagementSeminarName ,CityState orProvince"Address--County--Zip Code-Occupation.

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