Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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BIBLIOGRAPHYBadeau, Adam. Grant in Peace. Hartford, 1887.Baker, Gen. La Fayette C. History of <strong>the</strong> United States SecretService. L. C. Baker, Philadelphia, 1867.Barton, William E. The Life of Abraham <strong>Lincoln</strong>. The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indianapolis, 1925.Barton, William E. <strong>Lincoln</strong> at Gettysburg. The Bobbs-Merrill Company,Indianapolis, 1930.Barton, William E. The Women <strong>Lincoln</strong> Loved. The Bobbs-MerrillCompany, Indianapolis, 1927.Battles and Leaders of <strong>the</strong> Civil War. The Century Co., New York,1887; 4 vols.Beveridge, Albert J. Abraham <strong>Lincoln</strong>. Houghton Mifflin Company,Boston and New York, 1928.Browne, Francis F. The Every-day Life of Abraham <strong>Lincoln</strong>. Brown& Howell Company, Chicago, 1913.Carpenter, F. B. Six Months at <strong>the</strong> White House with Abraham<strong>Lincoln</strong>. Hurd & Houghton, New York, 1867.Charnwood, Lord. Abraham <strong>Lincoln</strong>. Henry Holt & Company, NewYork, 1917.Coggeshall, E. W. The Assassination of Abraham <strong>Lincoln</strong>. W. M.Hill, Chicago, 1920.Columbia Historical Society Records.Dewitt, D. M. The Assassination of Abraham <strong>Lincoln</strong> and ItsExpiation. The Macmillan Company, New York, 1909.Garland, Hamlin. Ulysses S. Grant, His Life and Character. TheMacmillan Company, New York, 1898, 1920.Grant, U. S. Personal Memoirs. The Century Co., New York, 1885,1895; 2 vols.Herndon, William H, and Weik, Jesse W. The History and PersonalRecollections of Abraham <strong>Lincoln</strong>. The Herndon's <strong>Lincoln</strong> PublishingCompany, Springfield, Illinois, 1888; 3 vols.Keckley, Elizabeth. Behind <strong>the</strong> Scenes, or Thirty Years a Slave andFour Years in <strong>the</strong> White House. G. W. Carleton & Co., NewYork, 1868.Lamon, Ward H. Life of Abraham <strong>Lincoln</strong>. Boston, 1872.Lamon, Ward H. Recollections of Abraham <strong>Lincoln</strong>, J 847-1 865.Edited by Dorothy Lamon Teillard. Teillard, Washington, D. C,1911.255

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