Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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LINCOLN THE UNKNOWN•253Since <strong>Lincoln</strong>'s friends were afraid that o<strong>the</strong>r thieves mightsteal <strong>the</strong> body, <strong>the</strong> <strong>Lincoln</strong> Monument Association hid it awayfor two years in an iron coffin under a heap of loose boardslying in a damp, dark passageway behind <strong>the</strong> catacombs—a sortof cellar. During that time thousands of pilgrims paid <strong>the</strong>ir respectsto an empty sarcophagus.For various reasons <strong>Lincoln</strong>'s remains have been movedseventeen times. But <strong>the</strong>y will be moved no more. The coffinis now imbedded in a great ball of steel and solid concrete, sixfeet beneath <strong>the</strong> floor of <strong>the</strong> tomb. It was placed <strong>the</strong>re on September26, 1901.On that day <strong>the</strong> casket was opened, and human eyes gazeddown for <strong>the</strong> last time upon his face. Those who saw him <strong>the</strong>nremarked how natural he appeared. He had been dead thirtysixyears; but <strong>the</strong> embalmers had done <strong>the</strong>ir work well, and hestill looked very much as he had looked in life. His face was atrifle darker, and <strong>the</strong>re was a touch of mold on one wing ofhis black tie.

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