Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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236 •LINCOLN THE UNKNOWN<strong>the</strong> cry. "We know Booth escaped," echoed <strong>the</strong> "RichmondExaminer." The "Louisville Journal" openly contended that<strong>the</strong>re had been something rotten in <strong>the</strong> whole show, and that"Baker and his associates had wilfully conspired to swindle<strong>the</strong> United States Treasury."The battle raged bitterly; and, as usual in such cases, witnessessprang up by <strong>the</strong> hundreds, declaring that <strong>the</strong>y had metBooth and talked to him long after <strong>the</strong> shooting affray at <strong>the</strong>Garrett barn. He had been seen here, <strong>the</strong>re, and everywhere:fleeing to Canada, dashing into Mexico, traveling on shipsbound for South America, hurrying to Europe, preaching inVirginia, hiding on an island in <strong>the</strong> Orient.And so was born <strong>the</strong> most popular and persistent and mysteriousmyth in American history.almost three quarters of a century; and, to thisIt has lived and thrived forday, thousandsof people believe it—many of <strong>the</strong>m people of unusual intelligence.There are even some learned men of <strong>the</strong> colleges who professto believe <strong>the</strong> myth. One of <strong>the</strong> most prominent churchmenin this country has gone up and down <strong>the</strong> land, declaringin his lectures to hundreds of audiences that Booth escaped.The author, while writing this chapter, was solemnly informedby a scientifically trained man that Booth had gone free.Of course, Booth was killed. There can be no doubt of it.The man who was shot in Garrett's tobacco barn used everyargument he could think of to save his life; and he had asplendid imagination; but, in his most desperate moments, itnever occurred to him to deny that he was John Wilkes Booth.That was too absurd, too fantastic, to try even in <strong>the</strong> face ofdeath.And to make doubly sure that itwas Booth who had beenkilled, Stanton sent ten men to identify <strong>the</strong> corpse after itreached Washington. One, as we have already recorded, wasDr. May. He had cut "a large fibroid tumor" from Booth's neck,and <strong>the</strong> wound in healing had left "a large and ugly scar." Dr.May, who identified him by that scar says:From <strong>the</strong> body which was produced by <strong>the</strong> captors,man hadnearly every vestige of resemblance of <strong>the</strong> livingdisappeared. But <strong>the</strong> mark made by <strong>the</strong> scalpel during liferemained indelible in death, and settled beyond all ques-

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