Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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230 • LINCOLN THE UNKNOWNorders. Corbett afterward declared that he had had ordersorders direct from God Almighty.Through <strong>the</strong> wide cracks of <strong>the</strong> burning barn, "Boston" sawBooth throw away his crutch, drop his carbine, raise his revolver,and spring for <strong>the</strong> door."Boston" was positive that he would shoot his way out andmake a last, desperate dash for liberty, firing as he ran.So, to prevent any futile bloodshed, Corbett stepped forward,rested his pistol across his arm, took aim through a crack,prayed for Booth's soul, and pulled <strong>the</strong> trigger.At <strong>the</strong> crack of <strong>the</strong> pistol Booth shouted, leaped a foot in <strong>the</strong>air, plunged forward, and fell face down on <strong>the</strong> hay, mortallywounded.The roaring flames were moving rapidly now across <strong>the</strong> dryhay. Lieutenant Baker, eager to get <strong>the</strong> dying wretch out of <strong>the</strong>place before he was roasted, rushed into <strong>the</strong> flaming buildingand leaped upon him, wrenching his revolver from his clenchedfist and pinioning his arms to his side for fear that he mightmerely be feigning death.Quickly Booth was carried to <strong>the</strong> porch of <strong>the</strong> farmhouse,and a soldier mounted a horse and spurred down <strong>the</strong> dustyroad three miles to Port Royal for a physician.Mrs. Garrett had a sister, Miss Halloway, who was boardingwith her and teaching school. When Miss Halloway realizedthat <strong>the</strong> dying man <strong>the</strong>re under <strong>the</strong> honeysuckle vine on <strong>the</strong>porch was <strong>the</strong> romantic actor and great lover, John WilkesBooth, she said he must be cared for tenderly, and she hada mattress hauled out for him to lie upon; and <strong>the</strong>n she broughtout her own pillow, put it under his head, and, taking his headupon her lap, offered him wine. But his throat seemed paralyzed,and he couldn't swallow. Then she dipped her handkerchiefin water and moistened his lips and tongue time aftertime, and massaged his temples and forehead.The dying man struggled on for two and a half hours, sufferingintensely; begging to be turned on his face, his side, hisback; coughing and urging Colonel Conger to press his handsdown hard upon his throat; and crying out in his agony: "Killme! Kill me!"Pleading to have a last message sent to his mo<strong>the</strong>r, he whisperedhaltingly:"Tell her ... I did .. . what I thought . . . was best . . . andthat I died ... for my country."

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