Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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28In 1863 a group of Virginia slave barons formed and financeda secret society <strong>the</strong> object of which was <strong>the</strong> assassination ofAbraham <strong>Lincoln</strong>; and in December, 1864, an advertisementappeared in a newspaper published in Selma, Alabama, beggingfor public subscriptions for a fund to be used for <strong>the</strong> samepurpose, while o<strong>the</strong>r Sou<strong>the</strong>rn journals offered cash rewards forhis death.But <strong>the</strong> man who finally shot <strong>Lincoln</strong> was actuated nei<strong>the</strong>r bypatriotic desires nor commercial motives. John Wilkes Boothdid it to win fame.What manner of man was Booth? He was an actor, and naturehad endowed him with an extraordinary amount of charmand personal magnetism. <strong>Lincoln</strong>'s own secretaries describedhim as "handsome as Endymion on Latmos, <strong>the</strong> pet of his littleworld." Francis Wilson, in his biography of Booth, declaresthat "he was one of <strong>the</strong> world's successful lovers. . . . Womenhalted in <strong>the</strong> streets and instinctively turned to admire him ashe passed."By <strong>the</strong> time he was twenty-three, Booth had achieved <strong>the</strong>status of a matinee idol; and, naturally, his most famous rolewas Romeo. Wherever he played, amorous maidens delugedhim with saccharine notes. While he was playing in Bostonhuge crowds of women thronged <strong>the</strong> streets in front of <strong>the</strong> TremontHouse, eager to catch but one glimpse of <strong>the</strong>ir hero ashe passed. One night a jealous actress, Henrietta Irving, knifed205

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