Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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186•LINCOLN THE UNKNOWNGrant held that <strong>the</strong> quick way and <strong>the</strong> only way to end <strong>the</strong>war was to keep on killing Lee's men until Lee surrendered.What if two Nor<strong>the</strong>rn soldiers were shot for every one <strong>the</strong>South lost? Grant could make up <strong>the</strong> wastage, but Lee couldn't.So Grant kept on blasting and snooting and slaying.In six weeks he lost 54,926 men—as many as Lee had in hisentire army.In one hour at Cold Harbor he lost seven thousand—a thousandmore than had been killed on both sides in three days during<strong>the</strong> Battle of Gettysburg.And what advantage was achieved by thisghastly loss?We shall let Grant himself answer <strong>the</strong> question: "None whatever."That was his estimate.The attack at Cold Harbor was <strong>the</strong> most tragic blunder of hiscareer.Such slaughter was more than human nerves and humanbodies could endure. It broke <strong>the</strong> morale of <strong>the</strong> troops; <strong>the</strong> rankand file of <strong>the</strong> army were on <strong>the</strong> verge of mutiny, and <strong>the</strong>officers <strong>the</strong>mselves were ready to rebel."For thirty-six days now," said one of Grant's corps commanders,"<strong>the</strong>re has been one unbroken funeral procession pastme.<strong>Lincoln</strong>, broken-hearted though he was, realized that <strong>the</strong>rewas nothing to do but keep on. He telegraphed Grant to "holdon with a bull dog grip and chew and choke." Then he issueda call for half a million more men, to serve from one to threeyears.The call staggered <strong>the</strong> country. The nation was plunged intoan abyss of despair."Everything now is darkness and doubt and discouragement,"one of <strong>Lincoln</strong>'s secretaries recorded in his diary.On July 2 Congress adopted a resolution that sounded like<strong>the</strong> lamentations of one of <strong>the</strong> Hebrew prophets of <strong>the</strong> OldTestament. It requested <strong>the</strong> citizens to "confess and repent of<strong>the</strong>ir manifold sins, implore <strong>the</strong> compassion and forgiveness of<strong>the</strong> Almighty, and beseech him as <strong>the</strong> Supreme Ruler of <strong>the</strong>world not to destroy us as a people."<strong>Lincoln</strong> was being cursed now almost as violently in <strong>the</strong>North as in <strong>the</strong> South. He was denounced as a usurper, a traitor,a tyrant, a fiend, a monster, "a bloody butcher shouting war to<strong>the</strong> knife and knife to <strong>the</strong> hilt, and crying for more victims forhis slaughter pens."

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