Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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25I n May 1864, <strong>the</strong> triumphant Grant plunged across <strong>the</strong> RapidanRiver with 122,000 men. He was going to destroy's Lee'sarmy forthwith and end <strong>the</strong> war at once.Lee met him in <strong>the</strong> "wilderness" of North Virginia. The placewas well named. It was a jungle of rolling hills and swampyswales smo<strong>the</strong>red with a dense second growth of pine and oaksand matted with underbrush so thick that a cottontail couldhardly crawl through it. And in those gloomy and tangledwoods, Grant fought a grim and bloody campaign. The slaughterwas appalling. The jungle itself caught on fire and hundredsof <strong>the</strong> wounded were consumed by <strong>the</strong> flames.At <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> second day even <strong>the</strong> stolid Grant was soshaken that he retired to his tent and wept.But after every battle, no matter what <strong>the</strong> results, he gave <strong>the</strong>same order: "Advance! Advance!"At <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> sixth bloody day he sent <strong>the</strong> famous telegram:"I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer."Well, it did take all summer. Moreover, it took all autumn,and all winter, and a part of <strong>the</strong> next spring.Grant had twice as many men in <strong>the</strong> field now as <strong>the</strong> enemyhad, and back of him, in <strong>the</strong> North, lay a vast reservoir of manpowerupon which he could draw, while <strong>the</strong> South had almostexhausted its recruits and supplies."The rebels," said Grant, "have already robbed <strong>the</strong> cradleand <strong>the</strong> grave."185

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