Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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180• LINCOLN THE UNKNOWNHe didn't have a horse or a uniform, or <strong>the</strong> money tobuyei<strong>the</strong>r. There were holes in <strong>the</strong> top of his sweat-stained hat,and his elbows stuck out of his old coat.His men began making fun of him at once. One chap startedsparring at him behind his back, and ano<strong>the</strong>r fellow rushed upbehind <strong>the</strong> pugilist and shoved him so hard that he stumbledforward and hit Grant between <strong>the</strong> shoulders.Grant stopped all <strong>the</strong>ir foolishness immediately. If a mandisobeyed orders he was tied to a post and left <strong>the</strong>re all day.If he cursed a gag was put into his mouth. If <strong>the</strong> regiment waslate at roll-call—as <strong>the</strong>y all were on one occasion—<strong>the</strong>y gotnothing to eat for twenty-four hours. The ex-hide-buyer fromGalena tamed <strong>the</strong>ir tempestuous spirits and led <strong>the</strong>m away todo battle down in Missouri.Shortly after that ano<strong>the</strong>r piece of amazing good fortunecame his way. In those days <strong>the</strong> War Department was makingbrigadier-generals by <strong>the</strong> dozens. Northwestern Illinois had sentElihu B. Washburne to Congress. Washburne, fired with politicalambitions, was desperately eager to show <strong>the</strong> folks backhome that he was on <strong>the</strong> job, so he went to <strong>the</strong> War Departmentand demanded that one brigadier-general come from his district.All right. But who? That was easy: <strong>the</strong>re was only oneWest Point graduate among Washburne's constituents.So a few days later Grant picked up a St. Louis newspaper,and read <strong>the</strong> surprising news that he was a brigadier-general.He was assigned headquarters at Cairo, Illinois, and immediatelybegan to do things. He loaded his soldiers on boats,steamed up <strong>the</strong> Ohio, occupied Paducah, a strategic point inKentucky, and proposed marching down into Tennessee to attackFort Donelson, which commanded <strong>the</strong> Cumberland River.Military experts like Halleck said: "Nonsense! You are talkingfoolishly, Grant. It can't be done. It would be suicide to attemptit."Grant went ahead and tried it, and captured <strong>the</strong> fort andfifteen thousand prisoners in one afternoon.While Grant was attacking, <strong>the</strong> Confederate general sent hima note, begging for a truce, to arrange terms of capitulation,but Grant replied ra<strong>the</strong>r tartly:"My only terms are unconditional and immediate surrender.I propose to move immediately upon your works."Simon Buckner, <strong>the</strong> Confederate general to whom this curtmessage was addressed, had known Sam Grant at West Point

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