Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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178 • LINCOLN THE UNKNOWN<strong>the</strong> Great, he spent much of his time at West Point poring overnovels such as "Ivanhoe" and "The Last of <strong>the</strong> Mohicans."The incredible fact is that he never read a book on militarystrategy in his life.After he had won <strong>the</strong> war <strong>the</strong> people of Boston raised moneyto buy him a library, appointing a committee to find out whatbooks he already possessed. To its amazement, <strong>the</strong> committeelearned that Grant didn't own a single military treatise of anydescription.He disliked West Point and <strong>the</strong> army and everything connectedwith it; and, after he had become world-famous, he saidto Bismarck while reviewing Germany's troops:"I haven't much interest in military affairs. The truth is, I ammore of a farmer than a soldier. Although I have been in twowars, I never entered <strong>the</strong> army without regret, and never left itwithout pleasure."Grant admitted that his besetting sin was laziness, and tha<strong>the</strong> never liked to study. Even after he graduated from WestPoint he spelled knocked without <strong>the</strong> initial k and safety withoutan e; yet he was fairly good at figures, and hoped to be a professorof ma<strong>the</strong>matics. But no position was available, so hespent eleven years with <strong>the</strong> regular army. He had to have somethingto eat, and that seemed <strong>the</strong> easiest way to get it.In 1853 he was stationed at Fort Humboldt in California.In a near-by village <strong>the</strong>re was a curious character named Ryan.Ryan ran a store, operated a sawmill, and did surveying during<strong>the</strong> week. On Sunday he preached. Whisky was cheap in thosedays, and Pastor Ryan kept an open barrel of it in <strong>the</strong> backof his store. A tin cup was hanging on <strong>the</strong> barrel, so you couldgo and help yourself whenever you had <strong>the</strong> urge. Grant had itoften. He was lonely and wanted to forget <strong>the</strong> army life tha<strong>the</strong> despised; as a result he got drunk so many times that hehad virtually to be dismissed from <strong>the</strong> army.He didn't have a dollar, and he didn't have a job; so hedrifted back east to Missouri and spent <strong>the</strong> next four yearsplowing corn and slopping hogs on an eighty-acre farm belongingto his fa<strong>the</strong>r-in-law. In <strong>the</strong> wintertime he cut cord-wood,hauled it to St. Louis, and sold it to <strong>the</strong> city people. But everyyear he got far<strong>the</strong>r and far<strong>the</strong>r behind, had to borrow more andmore.Finally he quit <strong>the</strong> farm, moved to St. Louis, and soughtemployment <strong>the</strong>re. He tried to sell real estate, was a total fail-

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