Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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LINCOLN THE UNKNOWN • 177But no more.For good news and astounding good fortune were just around<strong>the</strong> corner.In a little while he was to go flaring and flaming like a shootingstar across <strong>the</strong> firmament of fame.He couldn't command <strong>the</strong> respect of his home town now;but in three years he would command <strong>the</strong> most formidable army<strong>the</strong> world had ever seen.In four years he would conquer Lee, end <strong>the</strong> war, and writehis name in blazing letters of fire on <strong>the</strong> pages of history.In eight years he would be in <strong>the</strong> White House.After that he would make a triumphal tour of <strong>the</strong> world,with <strong>the</strong> high and mighty of all lands heaping honors, medals,flowers, and after-dinner oratory upon him—whom people backin Galena had crossed <strong>the</strong> street to avoid.It is an astonishing tale.Everything about it is strange. Even <strong>the</strong> attitude of his mo<strong>the</strong>rwas abnormal. She never seemed to care much for him. Sherefused to visit him when he was President, and she didn'ttrouble even to name him when he was born. Her relatives attendedto that, in a sort of lottery. When he was six weeks old,<strong>the</strong>y wrote <strong>the</strong>ir favorite names on strips torn from a papersack, mixed <strong>the</strong>m in a hat, and drew one out. His grandmo<strong>the</strong>rSimpson had been reading Homer, and she wrote on her slip:"Hiram Ulysses." It was drawn, and so, by chance, that was<strong>the</strong> name he bore at home for seventeen years.But he was bashful and slow-witted, so <strong>the</strong> village wits calledhim "Useless" Grant.At West Point he had still ano<strong>the</strong>r name. The politician whomade out <strong>the</strong> papers giving him an appointment to <strong>the</strong> MilitaryAcademy imagined that his middle name must be Simpson, hismo<strong>the</strong>r's maiden name, so he went as "U. S.Grant." When <strong>the</strong>cadets learned this, <strong>the</strong>y laughed and tossed <strong>the</strong>ir hats in <strong>the</strong>air, and shouted, "Boys, we've got Uncle Sam with us!" To <strong>the</strong>end of his life those who had been his classmates <strong>the</strong>re calledhim Sam Grant.He didn't mind. He made few friends, and he didn't carewhat people called him, and he didn't care how he looked. Hewouldn't keep his coat buttoned or his gun clean or his shoesshined, and he was often late for roll-call. And, instead of mastering<strong>the</strong> military principles used by Napoleon and Frederick

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