Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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21When <strong>Lincoln</strong> turned to his Cabinet, he found <strong>the</strong>re <strong>the</strong>same quarrels and jealousy that existed in <strong>the</strong> army.Seward, Secretary of State, regarded himself as <strong>the</strong> "Premier,"snubbed <strong>the</strong> rest of <strong>the</strong> Cabinet, meddled in <strong>the</strong>ir affairs, andaroused deep resentment.Chase, Secretary of <strong>the</strong> Treasury, despised Seward; detestedGeneral McClellan; hated Stanton, Secretary of War; andloa<strong>the</strong>d Blair, <strong>the</strong> Postmaster-General.Blair, in turn, went around "kicking over beehives," as <strong>Lincoln</strong>put it, and boasting that when he "went in for a fight" he"went in for a funeral." He denounced Seward as "an unprincipledliar," and refused to have any dealings with him whatever;and as for Stanton and Chase, he wouldn't condescendeven to speak to those scoundrels—not even at a Cabinet meeting.Blair went in for so many fightsthat finally he went in forhis own funeral—as far as politics were concerned. The hatredthat he aroused was so fiery and widespread that <strong>Lincoln</strong> hadto ask him to resign.There was hatred everywhere in <strong>the</strong> Cabinet.The Vice-President, Hannibal Hamlin, wouldn't speak toGideon Welles, Secretary of <strong>the</strong> Navy; and Welles, topped withan elaborate wig and decorated with a vast growth of whitewhiskers, kept a diary, and from almost every page of it, he"hurls <strong>the</strong> shafts of his ridicule and contempt" at well-nigh allhis colleagues.147

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