Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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124•LINCOLN THE UNKNOWNThousands of gaunt, desperate men were still looking forwork when <strong>Lincoln</strong> was inaugurated; and <strong>the</strong>y knew that <strong>the</strong>Republicans, coming into power for <strong>the</strong> first time, would dismissall Democratic office-holders, even down to <strong>the</strong> ten-dollar-aweekclerks.Scores of applicants were scrambling for every job; and <strong>Lincoln</strong>had not been in <strong>the</strong> White House two hours when he wasoverwhelmed by <strong>the</strong>m. They rushed through <strong>the</strong> halls; jammed<strong>the</strong> corridors; took entire possession of <strong>the</strong> East Room; and invadedeven <strong>the</strong> private parlors.Beggars came, importuning him for <strong>the</strong> price of a lunch. Oneman wanted <strong>Lincoln</strong> to give him an old pair of pants.A widow came, seeking an appointment for a man who hadpromised to marry her provided she could get him an office thatwould support a family.Hundreds came merely to get his autograph. An Irishwomanwho kept a boarding-house rushed to <strong>the</strong> White House to implore<strong>Lincoln</strong> to help her collect a board bill from a governmentclerk.As soon as an office-holder became seriously ill, dozens ofapplicants flocked to <strong>Lincoln</strong>, asking for <strong>the</strong> appointment "incase he should die."Every one was armed with testimonials,but of course <strong>Lincoln</strong>couldn't read a tenth of <strong>the</strong>m. One day when two applicantsfor <strong>the</strong> same post-office thrust huge bundles of lettersinto his hands he simplified matters by tossing both packagesunopened onto <strong>the</strong> scales, and appointed <strong>the</strong> man who had <strong>the</strong>heavier one.Scores came to see <strong>Lincoln</strong> again and again, demanding jobsand abusing him savagely because he refused. Many were loaferswithout a shred of merit. One woman came asking for anappointment for her husband, admitting he was too drunk tocome himself.Their sordid selfishness,<strong>the</strong>ir voracious greed, appalled <strong>Lincoln</strong>.They intercepted him on his way to lunch. They rushedup to his carriage as he drove through <strong>the</strong> streets, presenting<strong>the</strong>ir credentials, begging for jobs. Even after <strong>Lincoln</strong> had beenPresident for a year and <strong>the</strong> nation had been at war for tenmonths, <strong>the</strong> milling mob still hounded him."Will <strong>the</strong>y never cease?" he exclaimed.The mad onslaught of office-seekers had killed Zachary Taylorbefore he had been President a year and a half. The worry of

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