Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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17W hile <strong>Lincoln</strong> was en route to Washington for his inauguration,both <strong>the</strong> United States Secret Service and private detectivesdiscovered what <strong>the</strong>y believed was a plot to assassinate himas he passed through Baltimore.In alarm <strong>Lincoln</strong>'s friends pleaded with him to abandon <strong>the</strong>schedule that had been announced, and urged him to slip intoWashington incognito by night.That sounded cowardly, and <strong>Lincoln</strong> knew it would raisea storm of scoffs and sneers. He was decidedly against it. Butfinally,after hours of pleading, he bowed to <strong>the</strong> wishes of histrusted advisers, and prepared to make <strong>the</strong> rest of <strong>the</strong> tripsecretly.As soon as Mrs. <strong>Lincoln</strong> heard about <strong>the</strong> altered arrangementsshe insisted that she would go with him, and when shewas told most emphatically that she must come on a later trainshe lost her temper and protested so loudly that she all butgave <strong>the</strong> plan away.It had been announced that <strong>Lincoln</strong> would speak in Harrisburg,Pennsylvania, on February 22, spend <strong>the</strong> night <strong>the</strong>re,and <strong>the</strong>n leave <strong>the</strong> next morning for Baltimore and Washington.He made his speech in Harrisburg according to schedule; but,instead of spending <strong>the</strong> night <strong>the</strong>re, he slipped out of <strong>the</strong> backdoor of <strong>the</strong> hotel that evening at six and, disguised in an oldthreadbare overcoat and a soft wool hat such as he had neverworn before, he was driven to an unlighted railway coach, and122

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