Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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LINCOLN THE UNKNOWN • 119broad land, will swell <strong>the</strong> chorus of <strong>the</strong> Union when againtouched, as surely <strong>the</strong>y will be, by <strong>the</strong> better angel of ournature.Before leaving Illinoishe traveled seventy miles to Charleston,in that State,to say farewell to his stepmo<strong>the</strong>r. He calledher "Mamma," as he had always done; and she clung to him,saying between her sobs:"I didn't want you to run for President,Abe, and I didn't want to see you elected. My heart tellsme that something will happen to you, and that I'll never seeyou again till we meet in heaven."During those last days in Springfield, he thought often of <strong>the</strong>past and New Salem and Ann Rutledge, dreaming once again<strong>the</strong> dreams that had proved to be far beyond all earthly realities.A few days before he left for Washington he talked at lengthabout Ann, to a New Salem pioneer who had come to Springfieldto reminisce and say farewell. "I loved her deeply," <strong>Lincoln</strong>confessed, "and I think of her now very, very often."The night before he left Springfield forever <strong>Lincoln</strong> visitedhis dingy law office for <strong>the</strong> last time and settled a few businessdetails. Herndon tells us:After <strong>the</strong>se things were all disposed of, he crossed to<strong>the</strong> opposite side of <strong>the</strong> room and threw himself down on<strong>the</strong> old office sofa, which, after many years of service, hadbeen moved against <strong>the</strong> wall for support. He lay for somemoments, his face toward <strong>the</strong> ceiling, without ei<strong>the</strong>r of usspeaking. Presendy he inquired, "Billy, how long have webeen toge<strong>the</strong>r?""Over sixteen years," I answered."We've never had a cross word during all that time, havewe?" to which I returned a vehement, "No, indeed we havenot."He <strong>the</strong>n recalled some incidents of his early practice andtook great pleasure in delineating <strong>the</strong> ludicrous features ofmany a lawsuit on <strong>the</strong> circuit. ... He ga<strong>the</strong>red a bundleof books and papers he wished to take with him and startedto go; but before leaving he made <strong>the</strong> strange request that<strong>the</strong> sign-board which swung on its rusty hinges at <strong>the</strong> footof <strong>the</strong> stairway should remain. "Let it hang <strong>the</strong>re undisturbed,"he said, with a significant lowering of his voice."Give our clients to understand that <strong>the</strong> election of a Presidentmakes no change in <strong>the</strong> firm of <strong>Lincoln</strong> and Herndon.

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