Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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110•LINCOLN THE UNKNOWNit had arrived, and he made <strong>the</strong> most of it. He didn't go to bedat all, that fateful Thursday night while <strong>the</strong> Republican nominatingconvention was having a recess in Chicago; but fromsundown until long after dawn, he hurried from delegation todelegation, reasoning, arguing, pleading. His paper, <strong>the</strong> "NewYork Tribune," was read all over <strong>the</strong> North; and it influencedpublic opinion as no o<strong>the</strong>r paper had ever done. He was afamous man, voices were hushed whenever he appeared, and <strong>the</strong>delegates listened to him with respect.He hurled all kinds of arguments against Seward. He pointedout that Seward had repeatedly denounced <strong>the</strong> Masonic order;that in 1830 he had been elected to <strong>the</strong> State Senate on <strong>the</strong>anti-Mason ticket, and, as a consequence had aroused bitter,widespread, and undying resentment.Later, when he was Governor of New York, Seward hadfavored <strong>the</strong> destruction of <strong>the</strong> common-school fund and <strong>the</strong>establishment of separate schools for foreigners and Catholics,and thus had stirred up ano<strong>the</strong>r hornet's nest of fiery hatred.Greeley pointed out that <strong>the</strong> men who had made up <strong>the</strong> oncepowerful Know Nothing party were violently opposed to Sewardand would vote for a hound dog in preference to him.And that wasn't all. Greeley pointed out that this "arch agitator"had been too radical, that his "bloody program" and talkof a higher law than <strong>the</strong> Constitution had frightened <strong>the</strong> borderStates, and that <strong>the</strong>y would turn against him."I will bring you <strong>the</strong> men who are candidates for governorin <strong>the</strong>se States," Greeley promised, "and <strong>the</strong>y will confirm whatI say."He did, and <strong>the</strong> excitement was intense.With clenched fists and blazing eyes, <strong>the</strong> gubernatorial candidatesin Pennsylvania and Indiana declared that Seward'snomination meant inevitable defeat in <strong>the</strong>ir States, inevitabledisaster.And <strong>the</strong> Republicans felt that, to win, <strong>the</strong>y must carry thoseStates.So, suddenly, <strong>the</strong> flood-tide that had been running towardSeward began to recede. And <strong>Lincoln</strong>'s friends rushed about fromdelegation to delegation, trying to persuade those who were opposedto Seward to concentrate on <strong>Lincoln</strong>. Douglas was sureand no man into be nominated by <strong>the</strong> Democrats, <strong>the</strong>y said,<strong>the</strong> country was better equipped to fight Douglas than <strong>Lincoln</strong>.To him, it was an old job; he was used to it. Besides, <strong>Lincoln</strong>

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