Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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106•LINCOLN THE UNKNOWNAnd time after time, <strong>Lincoln</strong> was forced to deny it: "I objectto <strong>the</strong> alternative which says that because I do not want aNegro woman for a slave, I must want her for a wife. I havelived until my fiftieth year, and have never had a Negro womanei<strong>the</strong>r for a slave or a wife. There are enough white men tomarry all <strong>the</strong> white women; and enough Negro men to marryall <strong>the</strong> Negro women; and, for God's sake, let <strong>the</strong>m be so married."Douglas tried to dodge and befog <strong>the</strong> issues. His arguments,<strong>Lincoln</strong> said, had got down to <strong>the</strong> point where <strong>the</strong>y were asthin as "soup made by boiling <strong>the</strong> shadow of a pigeon that hadstarved to death." He was using "specious and fantastic arrangementsof words, by which a man can prove a horse-chestnutto be a chestnut horse.""I can't help feeling foolish," continued <strong>Lincoln</strong>, "in answeringarguments that are no arguments at all."Douglas said things that weren't true. He knew that <strong>the</strong>ywere falsehoods, and so did <strong>Lincoln</strong>."If a man," responded <strong>Lincoln</strong>, "will stand up and assert,and repeat and reassert, that two and two do not make four,I know nothing that will stop him. I cannot work an argumentinto <strong>the</strong> consistency of a mental gag and actually close hismouth with it. I don't like to call Judge Douglas a liar, butwhen I come square up to him, I don't know what else to callhim."And so <strong>the</strong> fight raged on, week after week. Day after day<strong>Lincoln</strong> continued his attacks. O<strong>the</strong>rs leaped into <strong>the</strong> fray.Lyman Trumbull called Douglas a liar, and declared that hehad been guilty of "<strong>the</strong> most damnable effrontery that ever manput on." Frederick Douglas, <strong>the</strong> famous Negro orator, came toIllinois and joined in <strong>the</strong> assault. The Buchanan Democratswaxed vicious and ferocious in <strong>the</strong>ir denunciation of Douglas.Carl Schurz, <strong>the</strong> fiery German-American reformer, indicted himbefore <strong>the</strong> foreign voters. The Republican press in screaminghead-lines branded him as "a forger." With his own party divided,and himself hounded and harassed on every side, Douglaswas fighting against tremendous odds. In desperation, he wiredhis friend Usher F. Linden "The hell-hounds are on my track.For God's sake, Linder, come and help me fight <strong>the</strong>m."The operator sold a copy of <strong>the</strong> telegram to <strong>the</strong> Republicans,and it was head-lined in a score of papers.Douglas's enemies screamed with delight, and from that day

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