For CaPItoL houSInG ProjeCt - Headline Gitnang Luzon

For CaPItoL houSInG ProjeCt - Headline Gitnang Luzon

For CaPItoL houSInG ProjeCt - Headline Gitnang Luzon


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2NEWS OCTOBERBy Froilan E. Magtoto<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>11-13, 201334 firearms seized;30 persons arrestedCAMP OLIVAS -- Thirty-fourassorted loose firearms and severalexplosives were seized while30 persons were arrested duringpolice operations against loosefirearms in Central <strong>Luzon</strong> sinceSeptember 26.Chief Supt. Raul Petrosanta,Central <strong>Luzon</strong> police regionaldirector, said the confiscation ofPoliceintensify‘OplanSita’ forbarangaypollsBY JENNA LUMBANGGun ban in Central <strong>Luzon</strong>the said firearms and explosiveswere part of their intensifiedcampaign against illegal firearmsin the region.The Philippine National Policealso started implementing theCommission of Election’s gunban which also helped stop theproliferation of loose firearms.The campaign, Petrosantasaid, is to ensure peaceful andorderly barangay elections on October28.The confiscated items include29 guns of different caliber, fourexplosives, four guns replica, sevenbladed weapons and severalammunitions.Based on records from thePNP national headquarters, thepolice regional office here toppedthe list of police regional officesnationwide in terms of the implementationof the gun ban.The recovery of the illegalitems were the result of implementationsof search warrants,conduct of Comelec checkpointsand “OPLAN Bakal/Sita.”Petrosanta further stated that“OPLAN Katok”, one of PNP’sstrategy to account loose firearmsis still in effect wherein PNP personnelvisit houses of gun ownerswith expired licenses to remindthem to renew their documents. ●Magalangcops bust2 drugmerchantsBy Froilan E. MagtotoCITY OF SAN FER-NANDO -- Two drug peddlerson Tuesday were arrestedduring an anti-drugoperation in Magalangtown.Supt. Neil Miro, chief ofthe Magalang police office,identified the arrested suspectsas Leonardo Oliveros,alias “Onayd”, 27, andJaime Parungao, 57; bothresidents of San Isidro Resettlementin Magalang,Pampanga.Police said operativesconducted a buy bust operationin the house of Oliverosat midnight after a tip-DRUG BUST...Page 9Womanloses P100-Tto robbersBy Froilan E. MagtotoCITY OF SAN FERNANDO –The Provincial Police Office (PPO),under the leadership of SeniorSuperintendent Oscar Albayalde,strengthened its “Oplan Sita” tomaintain peace and order beforeand after the barangay election.Oplan Sita is a regular activityof the Philippine National Police(PNP) to fight criminality and apprehendcriminals through vigorousoperation, police visibility andcontinuous set up of check pointsin strategic places.Albalyalde said that in this electionperiod, the Oplan Sita will arrestand target motorcycle-ridingin tandem criminals and illegaland unregistered firearms holders.“Police check-points are on a24-hour duty stationed in strategicplaces to monitor the movement ofsuspicious people and motorists,”said Albayalde.He disclosed that additionalreinforcement will be designatedto 62 barangays which are consideredas “areas of immediate concern.”The provincial director said barangayelection is more alarmingcompared to past mid-term pollsbecause it is more personal and almosteveryone in the communityis involved.He also emphasized the ordergiven to police personnel to benon-partisan.“All police affiliated to any candidatewere relieved from theirarea of duty. They were assignedto other barangays. They are alsoprohibited from accepting any favoreven food from any candidate,”Albayalde stated.Albayalde further said that theyalready have standing orders fromthe Commission on Election andDepartment of Interior and LocalGovernment on the extent of theirresponsibility especially on the dayof the election. ●JUMP BALL. Angeles City Councilor Edu Pamintuan officially opens the first-ever Holy Family Academy alumnibasketball league organized by Familians of Batch 1997. --Contributed photoDriver-cum-drugpusher nabbedBy Froilan E. MagtotoCAMP OLIVAS -- Policeauthorities arrestedon Wednesday a tricycledriver who allegedlysells illegal drugs as hissideline in Hagonoy, Bulacan.Ricardo San Jose,Jr., alias “Jun Daga”, 49,of Barangay Sto. NiñoSapang Pari of the saidtown was arrested by authoritiesin a drug buybustoperation at dawnWant to broaden your business horizon?LET US HELP YOU!on October 9.Police said that aconfidential informanttold them that a drugpeddler, who is also atricycle driver, was dealingillegal drugs in thebarangay.It was reported thata poseur buyer was ableto buy suspected shabufrom San Jose.Confiscated from SanJose were a plastic sachetcontaining suspectedshabu, the marked moneyand a 10-inch knife.The suspect wasbrought to the HagonoyPolice Station for investigationand later to theBulacan Laboratory Officefor drug testing.Aside from the violationof the Anti-DangerousDrugs Law, policesaid, San Jose willbe charged with illegalpossession of a deadlyweapon in violation ofthe Omnibus ElectionCode. ●CAMP OLIVAS --A womanon Monday lost cash and valuablesamounting to more thanP100,000 to unidentified robbersin San Felipe, Zambales.Police investigation said theowner of the house identifiedas Judilyn Abundo of BarangaySto. Niño, San Felipe was notin her house when the robbersstruck.Investigations showed thatthe suspects gained entry intothe house by destroying thedoor-lock.The suspects carted awaycash and valuables such as alaptop, a video camera, a digitalcamera, assorted jewelleries,passbook and groceries. ●Republic of the PhilippinesLocal Civil Registry OfficeProvince of PampangaMunicipality of LubaoNOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONIn compliance with the publication requirement andpursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 Guidelines in the implementation of the AdministrativeOrder No.1 Series of 2012 (IRR on R.A. 10172),Notice is hereby served to the public that GenesisManalo Ruegas has filed with this Office, a petitionfor correction of entry of sex from “Male” to “Female”in the Certificate of Live Birth of Genesis ManaloRuegas born on January 04, 1993 at Lubao,Pampanga and whose parents are Carlos Ruegasand Leny Manalo.Any person adversely affected by said petitionmay file his/her written opposition with this officenot later than October 23, 2013.(Sgd) CECILIA M. BERNALMunicipal Civil RegistrarHEADLINE <strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>: October 11 & 018, 2013CALL US : (045)435-0938 • 436-1576EMAIL US : headlinegitnangluzon@gmail.comVISIT US : 2nd Floor , U2 Bldg., MacArthur Hiway, Dolores, City of San Fernando (P)

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