For CaPItoL houSInG ProjeCt - Headline Gitnang Luzon

For CaPItoL houSInG ProjeCt - Headline Gitnang Luzon

For CaPItoL houSInG ProjeCt - Headline Gitnang Luzon


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2NEWS OCTOBERBy Froilan E. Magtoto<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>11-13, 201334 firearms seized;30 persons arrestedCAMP OLIVAS -- Thirty-fourassorted loose firearms and severalexplosives were seized while30 persons were arrested duringpolice operations against loosefirearms in Central <strong>Luzon</strong> sinceSeptember 26.Chief Supt. Raul Petrosanta,Central <strong>Luzon</strong> police regionaldirector, said the confiscation ofPoliceintensify‘OplanSita’ forbarangaypollsBY JENNA LUMBANGGun ban in Central <strong>Luzon</strong>the said firearms and explosiveswere part of their intensifiedcampaign against illegal firearmsin the region.The Philippine National Policealso started implementing theCommission of Election’s gunban which also helped stop theproliferation of loose firearms.The campaign, Petrosantasaid, is to ensure peaceful andorderly barangay elections on October28.The confiscated items include29 guns of different caliber, fourexplosives, four guns replica, sevenbladed weapons and severalammunitions.Based on records from thePNP national headquarters, thepolice regional office here toppedthe list of police regional officesnationwide in terms of the implementationof the gun ban.The recovery of the illegalitems were the result of implementationsof search warrants,conduct of Comelec checkpointsand “OPLAN Bakal/Sita.”Petrosanta further stated that“OPLAN Katok”, one of PNP’sstrategy to account loose firearmsis still in effect wherein PNP personnelvisit houses of gun ownerswith expired licenses to remindthem to renew their documents. ●Magalangcops bust2 drugmerchantsBy Froilan E. MagtotoCITY OF SAN FER-NANDO -- Two drug peddlerson Tuesday were arrestedduring an anti-drugoperation in Magalangtown.Supt. Neil Miro, chief ofthe Magalang police office,identified the arrested suspectsas Leonardo Oliveros,alias “Onayd”, 27, andJaime Parungao, 57; bothresidents of San Isidro Resettlementin Magalang,Pampanga.Police said operativesconducted a buy bust operationin the house of Oliverosat midnight after a tip-DRUG BUST...Page 9Womanloses P100-Tto robbersBy Froilan E. MagtotoCITY OF SAN FERNANDO –The Provincial Police Office (PPO),under the leadership of SeniorSuperintendent Oscar Albayalde,strengthened its “Oplan Sita” tomaintain peace and order beforeand after the barangay election.Oplan Sita is a regular activityof the Philippine National Police(PNP) to fight criminality and apprehendcriminals through vigorousoperation, police visibility andcontinuous set up of check pointsin strategic places.Albalyalde said that in this electionperiod, the Oplan Sita will arrestand target motorcycle-ridingin tandem criminals and illegaland unregistered firearms holders.“Police check-points are on a24-hour duty stationed in strategicplaces to monitor the movement ofsuspicious people and motorists,”said Albayalde.He disclosed that additionalreinforcement will be designatedto 62 barangays which are consideredas “areas of immediate concern.”The provincial director said barangayelection is more alarmingcompared to past mid-term pollsbecause it is more personal and almosteveryone in the communityis involved.He also emphasized the ordergiven to police personnel to benon-partisan.“All police affiliated to any candidatewere relieved from theirarea of duty. They were assignedto other barangays. They are alsoprohibited from accepting any favoreven food from any candidate,”Albayalde stated.Albayalde further said that theyalready have standing orders fromthe Commission on Election andDepartment of Interior and LocalGovernment on the extent of theirresponsibility especially on the dayof the election. ●JUMP BALL. Angeles City Councilor Edu Pamintuan officially opens the first-ever Holy Family Academy alumnibasketball league organized by Familians of Batch 1997. --Contributed photoDriver-cum-drugpusher nabbedBy Froilan E. MagtotoCAMP OLIVAS -- Policeauthorities arrestedon Wednesday a tricycledriver who allegedlysells illegal drugs as hissideline in Hagonoy, Bulacan.Ricardo San Jose,Jr., alias “Jun Daga”, 49,of Barangay Sto. NiñoSapang Pari of the saidtown was arrested by authoritiesin a drug buybustoperation at dawnWant to broaden your business horizon?LET US HELP YOU!on October 9.Police said that aconfidential informanttold them that a drugpeddler, who is also atricycle driver, was dealingillegal drugs in thebarangay.It was reported thata poseur buyer was ableto buy suspected shabufrom San Jose.Confiscated from SanJose were a plastic sachetcontaining suspectedshabu, the marked moneyand a 10-inch knife.The suspect wasbrought to the HagonoyPolice Station for investigationand later to theBulacan Laboratory Officefor drug testing.Aside from the violationof the Anti-DangerousDrugs Law, policesaid, San Jose willbe charged with illegalpossession of a deadlyweapon in violation ofthe Omnibus ElectionCode. ●CAMP OLIVAS --A womanon Monday lost cash and valuablesamounting to more thanP100,000 to unidentified robbersin San Felipe, Zambales.Police investigation said theowner of the house identifiedas Judilyn Abundo of BarangaySto. Niño, San Felipe was notin her house when the robbersstruck.Investigations showed thatthe suspects gained entry intothe house by destroying thedoor-lock.The suspects carted awaycash and valuables such as alaptop, a video camera, a digitalcamera, assorted jewelleries,passbook and groceries. ●Republic of the PhilippinesLocal Civil Registry OfficeProvince of PampangaMunicipality of LubaoNOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONIn compliance with the publication requirement andpursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 Guidelines in the implementation of the AdministrativeOrder No.1 Series of 2012 (IRR on R.A. 10172),Notice is hereby served to the public that GenesisManalo Ruegas has filed with this Office, a petitionfor correction of entry of sex from “Male” to “Female”in the Certificate of Live Birth of Genesis ManaloRuegas born on January 04, 1993 at Lubao,Pampanga and whose parents are Carlos Ruegasand Leny Manalo.Any person adversely affected by said petitionmay file his/her written opposition with this officenot later than October 23, 2013.(Sgd) CECILIA M. BERNALMunicipal Civil RegistrarHEADLINE <strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>: October 11 & 018, 2013CALL US : (045)435-0938 • 436-1576EMAIL US : headlinegitnangluzon@gmail.comVISIT US : 2nd Floor , U2 Bldg., MacArthur Hiway, Dolores, City of San Fernando (P)

<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>OCTOBER 11-13, 2013REGION 3Bataan governor to allot P25-M for hospitalBy Joey PaviaCLARK FREEPORT – BataanGovernor Albert Garcia disclosedon Wednesday that theprovincial government is allocatingat least P25 million nextyear for the operations of theBataan General Hospital (BGH)in Balanga City.Garcia, who was interviewedat the Holiday Inn Clark duringthe Central <strong>Luzon</strong> StakeholdersMeeting attended by governorsand mayors from October 9 to10, said the allotment of fundsis part of the Memorandumof Agreement (MOA) with theDepartment of Health (DOH)signed earlier this year. TheBGH is the frequent refuge ofthe poor residents of Bataan.Garcia said the province iscommitted in the same MOA toshoulder 25 percent of the expensesof the 350 bed-capacityBGH for 2014.“The P25 million is just an estimate.There could be more obligationsfrom us,” said Garcia.Garcia stressed that he andthe 12 mayors of Bataan “areprioritizing health that’s why weare in full force here.” He was referringto their attendance at thestakeholders meeting sponsoredby the DOH.Garcia maintained that Bataanis one of the top placers inthe Human Development Index(HDI) among provinces in thecountry. The HDI is preparedby the National Statistical InformationCenter (NSIC).“Included in the HDI ishealth, especially on life expectancy.But I have to admit thereare a lot more to be done whenit comes to health service,” saidGarcia.The first-term governor saidamong their priorities is to purchasemore hospital equipmentfor the BGH.Garcia welcomed the statementof DOH Assistant SecretaryGerardo Bayugo, head ofthe Northern and Central <strong>Luzon</strong>cluster, that the DOH is planningto be ISO certified.Garcia said the BGH “is alsoplanning to be ISO certified andwe hope we can cascade this tothe Rural Health Centers.”Garcia expressed gratitude toDOH Regional Director Dr. LeonitaGorgolon for the “all-outsupport to Bataan.”Earlier, Garcia and his father,former governor and now SecondDistrict Rep. Enrique “Tet”Garcia, poured in millions offunds for the establishment of anew three-storey building at theBGH. ●PAMPANGA DELEGATES. Gov. Lilia Pineda with members of the Pampanga Mayors’ League poses with DOH Assistant Sec. GerardoBayugo and Center for Health Development III Dir. Leonita Gorgolon before signing the pledge of commitment during the Central <strong>Luzon</strong>Stakeholders Meeting. --Photo by GVJJRCSF granted P229-Mas JobStart pilot cityCITY OF SAN FERNAN-DO --This city was selectedas one of the pilot cities tobenefit from the P229-millionfinancial grant from theAsian Development Bank(ADB) through the CanadianInternational DevelopmentAgency (CIDA).Coursed through theprogram of the Departmentof Labor and Employment(DOLE), JobStart is part ofthe Employment Facilitationfor Inclusive Growth(EFIG) project geared towardsenhanced delivery ofemployment services.The half-day programwas highlighted by theLaunching and Memorandumof Understanding(MOU) Signing of the Job-Start Philippines Program.“As the city mayor, I believethat the Jobstart Programpaves the way to fasteremployment and job placement,”said Mayor Edwin D.Santiago in his inspirationalmessage.The city is among thefour LGUs in the Philippineswhich was selected as a pilotarea along with the cities ofTaguig, Quezon and GeneralTrias.“At-risk youth are themain beneficiaries of thisprogram. Our national visionis to provide inclusivegrowth through massivejob creations and substantialpoverty reduction,” saidDirector Dominique Tutayof DOLE’s Bureau of LocalEmployment.Mariveles to buildseaborne patrol HQBY MICHAEL CIGARALMARIVELES, BATAAN -- The municipalgovernment here is planning to build a multipurposebuilding along the town’s coastlinethat will serve as the headquarters for theirseaborne patrol and other sea related agencies.Mayor Jesse Concepcion told <strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong> that, recently, he had initialtalks with Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) officialsbased in Bataan about this major developmentthat will protect not just the municipalityof Mariveles but its nearby areas alongits long coastline within the vicinity of ManilaBay and the West Philippine Sea.“Initially, it will be called ‘The MarivelesBantay Dagat Seaborne Headquarters’ whichwill serve as our patrol boat yard and impoundingarea for illegal fishing offenders. Itwill also house the equipment and offices forour municipal risk reduction managementcouncil and our disaster rescue team,” MunicipalAdministrator Luis Gonzales said.Gonzales added that the headquartersalong their shoreline, which will be equippedwith modern communication devices, will ef-SEABORNE PATROL...Page 9Capitol scholarsurged to submitpapers earlyBy Angelique TuazonCITY OF SAN FERNANDO -- GovernorLilia “Nanay” G. Pineda instructed beneficiariesof the Special Program for the Employmentof Students (SPES) to immediately submitthe requirements upon the completionof their duties for the prompt processing ofJOBSTART...Page 9 SCHOLARS...Page 9anti-pork...Page 9JOBSTART IN SAN FERNANDO. Mayor Edwin D. Santiago and counterparts from the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Canadian International DevelopmentAgency (CIDA) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) lead the launching and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing of the JobStart Philippines Program at the Heroes Hall onThursday. --CONTIBUTED PHOTO

4<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>OCTOBER 11-13, 2013EDITORIALTulong ‘GapoOlongapo City, after being hit by the worstflooding in history, is once again faced bya problem that would test its people andgovernment. This is the outbreak of leptospirosis,which has claimed several livesand placed hundreds in hospital severaldays after the floods receded.As of yesterday, the death toll due to thedisease has climbed to eight while closeto 300 confirmed cases of the infectionhave been reported.Due to the volume of patients taken tohospitals, medical wards no longer havevacant places to accommodate morepeople diagnosed with leptospirosis.Olongapo City Mayor Rolen Paulino hadalready requested assistance from thePhilippine Red Cross, headed by formersenator Richard Gordon, which alreadysent beds, volunteers and ambulances tohelp them in the situation.Paulino, in his Facebook page, appealedto residents that if they suffer any of thesymptoms of the dreaded leptospirosis,they should get in touch with their respectivehealth center or go straight to the hospitalfor proper medication and care.The city health officer is now monitoringthe situation in barangay levels and handingout information materials and medicinein case they diagnose anyone withleptospirosis.This outbreak has pushed back, againstthe wall, the city which was hoping tobounce back from the flooding and landslidesthat also claimed several lives just acouple of weeks ago.The city was not prepared to encountersuch an outbreak--with hundreds beinghospitalized--as it was not prepared toface flooding which, before this one, wasnot in the vocabulary of Olongapo residents.With these incidents, from the flooding tothe outbreak, Olongapo residents and officialsshould include safety plans for possibleannual floods and cleansing of theareas to ward away the disease.Just as how it bounced back after Americanbases pulled out from the country,Olongapo can also bounce back from thisdisaster, but preferably, with the support ofthe national government.HEADLINE <strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong> is a Daily Regional NewspaperGeneral Manager: Atty. Gerome n. TubigAsst. Manager: atty. rOWENA S. CUNANAN-MUNDOEditor-in-Chief: albert lacanlaleLayout Artist: JP ManalangPhotojournalist: Leo villacarlosReporters: CHARLENE CAYABYAB /MARNA D. DEL ROSARIOAdministrative Staff: sherylin l. riveraMarketing Head: ELAINE MAPILESMarketing/Circulation: Marlo francoAccount Executive: caren m. garcia/JOAN d. montemayorPublisher: I.N.I. NewspaperEmail: headlinegitnangluzon@gmail.comWebsite: www.headlinegl.comDISCLAIMER: Views expressed by columnists are theirown and do not necessarily reflect the editorial position ofHEADLINE <strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong> or its internet website: www.headlinegl.com. Thepublisher does not knowingly publish false information and may not be heldliable for the views of its columnists exercising their right to free expression.All rights reserved. Subject to the conditions provided for by law, no article orphotograph published by HEADLINE GITNANG LUZON may be reprinted orreproduced, in whole or in part, without its prior consent.Office Address: 2nd Floor, U2 Building, MacArthurHighway, Dolores, City of San Fernando, Pampanga, 2000Tel. Nos. (045) 435-0938“Pambihira itong si kaibigangLydon na pito lang sukat angkandidato sa pagka-kagawad,pero mahigit sa isang dosena angsumama sa kaniyang tiket. ”One for the books. Puwede saGuiness Book of World Records!Iyan si Mabalacat City Mayor Marino“Boking” Morales.Nag-umpisa sa politika si Pareng Bokingbilang hirang na konsehal pagkataposng EDSA revolution noong 1986. Saunang pagtakbo niya bilang mayor, siya’ysinamang palad. Sinubukang muli at kumandidatosa pagka-mayor sa halalannoong 1995 at siya ay nagwagi. At mulanoon, mapa-hanggang ngayon, siya parin ang alkalde. Siya ang huling alkaldeng bayan at unang mayor ng lungsod ngMabalacat.Sa ganang kaniya, bilang first citymayor, mayroon pa siyang dalawang terminoat ito ay kung magkakaroon ng reconfigurationsa teritoryo ng Mabalacat.Madali na niyang hanapan ng paraaniyon, sabi ng mga tong malapit sa kaniya.***Namamayagpag ang mga Morales sapulitika sa Mabalacat. Ang anak na siIn a quick talk with Pampanga GovernorLilia Pineda at the Capitol lastTuesday just after a session with representativesof fishpond owners and operators,she was able to express her desire tosetup a more effective system of accreditingand granting clearancesand endorsementsto cooperatives and nongovernmentorganizationsin the province. She wasapparently reacting to reportsthat farmers’ organizationswere not only usedas fronts for rice smugglingbut were also used,and even faked, in siphoningpork barrel money intothe pockets of the corrupt.Sometime last year, thegovernment seized some200 million pesos worthof undocumented rice imports aboard aVietnamese vessel that arrived in LegazpiPayo ni Nanay BabyDwight ay isang konsehal. Ang anak nasi Atlas ay barangay captain ng Dau,isang oversized barangay. Ang anak niyangbabae na si Marjorie ay kandidatobilang kapitan sa barangay Duquit. ‘Pagnasungkit niya ito, malamang siya angmaihalal na pangulo ngAssociation of BarangayCaptains (ABC), atmagiging kagawad ngkonseho. Maramingtagapagmana sa koronani Pareng Boking.***Ang panawagan niGovernor Lilia “Nanay”Pineda sa mga kandidatosa halalang pam-barangayay ang pagiging maginooat mahinahon sa kanilangpulong at iwasanang paninira at bagkusang mga plataporma ang ilatag. Pakinggansi Nanay. Payo niya ay mabuti.***Isang kaibigan si Luis “Lydon” DeLuna ng Barangay Pampang sa LungsodAngeles. Kandidato siya sa pagkakapitansa nasabing pook, at hindimasasayang ang boto sa kaniya dahilnapaka-ganda at komprehensibo ngkaniyang mga programa.Coopting coops and NGOsgut feelLeny Manalotoda maxMax SangilCity and another larger shipment worth450 million pesos seized at the Subic BayFreeport. In the investigations that followed,names of farmers’ organizationsand cooperatives were implicated. Thegranting of rice import quota to farmers’cooperatives had the good intentionof providing additional incometo rice farmers in situations where“What must be added also is a supportsystem of services that can provide legitimateNGOs with better fighting chanceagainst the bogus ones that are proppedup by well-financed technical staff.”Isa sa magandang advocacy niya ayyaong tamang paggastos ng pera ng barangay,at may patutsada siyang hindi“sukat mapunta sa bulsa ng kanino lamang.”Tunay na serbisyo, tapat at maka-taona paglilingkod, ani kaibigangLydon, na isa mga pinaka- masipagna taong nakilala ko.Kasama sa Lydon Team siDyango, Rey David, Rey Garcia,BM, Dan, Cito, Baka, JR,Gay, Kika, Doro, Boyet, Nengat Dong. Kahit walang apelyidoang mga ilan, sila ay maskilala sa pook nila sa kanilangunang katawagan.***Pambihira itong si kaibigangLydon na pito langsukat ang kandidato sa pagka-kagawad,pero mahigit saisang dosena ang sumama sakaniyang tiket. Nagiging masaya anghalalan pam-barangay, hindi katuladnoong naunang panahon. Malaki narin ang gastusin sa pagkakandidato.At, tulad ng hiling ni Nanay Baby, sanaang lahat ay magiging mahinahon atirespeto ang kapuwa kandidato, napagkatapos ng halalan ay walang nasirangreputasyon sa pamilya at lahatay mananatiling magka-kaibigan parin. •importation was needed to fill thegap in the required rice reserve andto stabilize rice prices.A posted newspaper report said thatonly 12 cooperatives in 2011 were authorizedto import rice which, according toformer NFA Administrator Lito Banayo,still constituted a very manageable numberto monitor. Against Banayo’s advice,the number of cooperatives that weregiven rice quota was increased to 109 inMay 2012 by the NFA Council led by AgricultureSecretary Proceso Alcala andother representatives from the financialsector, including thefinance and tradeand industry departments.Whilethe governmentclaimed huge profitsfrom the resultingrice importationsthe practice inadvertentlyspawnedmore opportunities for smuggling usingfarmers’ cooperatives as fronts. There wasapparent failure in the screening of quotarecipients and lack of efficient monitoringGUT FEEL... Page 8

<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>OCTOBER 11-13, 20135Last Monday, Benjamin Valbuena,the chairman of theAlliance of Concerned Teachers(ACT), expressed his advice toCommission on Elections (Comelec)Chairman Sixto Brillantes tolook for other personnel to serve inthe upcoming barangayelections this coming October28.***Valbuena expressedthat public school teachersare set to boycott thepolls due to low honorariabeing paid to their rankswho serve the elections.Teachers would refuse tosign their appointmentsfor them to serve in theBoard of Election Tellersthat will be issued by theComelec.***He likewise expressedoptimism that teacherscannot face any sanctionshould they defy doinga state duty as long as they donot sign an appointment from theComelec. Teachers have been renderingelection duties since timeimmemorial, risking lives andlimbs in some areas where election-relatedviolence are prevalent.***This month’s election will beconducted with manual voting andcounting thus, it will be a tediousactivity for our teachers who willgo to polling places very early, prepareelection paraphernalia andKayo ba ay nagpaplano parasa pagbuo ng pamilya? Higitba sa dalawa ang bilangng inyong mga anak? Alam niyoba na may kahalagahan rin angpagkakasunod o ang birth orderng inyong mga anak kaugnay saemosyon at personalidad ng mgabata?Sa larangan ng medisina, maynapapagusapannakakaibangestado nat i n a t a w a gna “MiddleChildSyndrome,”kung saanipinapaliwanagkung paano nakaka-apektoang birth order sa aspeto ng buhayng isang bata. Marahil parasa mga magulang na may gitnanganak, napapansin nila ang ilangmga kakaibang pag-uugali ng kanilangmga anak.Iba-iba ang kaso at mga karanasanng mga gitnang anak ngunitmaraming bilang rin sa mga itoang kadalasang nakararamdam ngparang napapabayaan o kulang sapansin at tila pakiramdam nila ayhindi sila nabibigyan ng atensyonkumpara sa panganay o sa bunso.Kung minsan, mas napupurihanng magulang ang mga achievementsng panganay at mga firstaccomplishments ng bunso. Maymga pag-aaral na ang mga middlechildren daw ay may mataasna posibilidad na magkaroon ngA reason to declineiWritetomas m. garciawon’t go home until the countingand proclamation of winners havebeen done.***ACT has asked the Comelec topay each teachers serving the electionsat least P4,000, equal to thepay they receivedduring the nationalelections last May ofthis year. The electionthen was conductedwith the use of machinesand didn’t requiremuch physicaleffort for the teachers.“No doubt thattheir profession ismore of a vocationrather thana mere source ofmeager income. ”***We cannot blameour public schoolteachers should theyrefuse to do a stateduty since they arecompensated waybelow to what theyshould be. Accordingto Valbuena, they arenot asking too muchbut only to what iscommensurate to theefforts teachers exert including therisks they have to take for someareas considered as “areas of concern”.***Valbuena, meanwhile, earnedthe support of Teachers PartyListRep. Antonio Tinio in his call tothe national poll body. Rep. Tiniorecognized the problems and concernsof teachers serving in thepolls like some teachers who getimplicated in legal tussles. Somecandidates who lost in electionsresort to court actions.Sa loob ng isipan ng gitnang anakdepresyon kumpara sa mga nakakatandangkapatid. Madalas nabinabanggit ng mga batang maymiddle child syndrome na angpanganay ang nakakakuha ng attentionat ang bunso naman angnakakatanggapng pag-aaruga ngmagulang. Kayaang ibang middle“Siguraduhin na ang family photoalbum ay naglalaman ng mgaphotos kung saan nailalarawanang pagmamahal sa mga anakkabilang ang middle child. ”children’shealthMichelle M.Pelayo, M.D.child, nagigingrebelde at nagiging mas independentsa mga magkakapatid.Sa kabila nito, may mga kontingexceptions sa epekto ng pagigingmiddle child. Una rito angkasarian ng anak. Kung ang gitnanganak ay iba ang kasariansa panganay o bunsong kapatid,hindi masyadong nakaka-apektoang middle child syndrome. Maypagkakaiba kasi ang aktibidad,karakter at kagustuhan ng magkaibangkasarian sa magkakapatid.Isa pang exception sa epektong middle child syndrome ay kungmay kapansanan ang gitnanganak dahil binibigyan ito ng ibangklasing pagtrato at atensyon.Sa buhay ng isang gitnang anak,karaniwan ang may kuya o ate naresponsable, maabilidad ngunit***Speaking of Rep. Tinio, he earlierfiled a bill that seeks to increasethe salaries of teachers. This mightbe long overdue as teachers are oneof the overworked but undercompensatedwork forces in our country.No doubt that their professionis more of a vocation rather than amere source of meager income.***In a related development onthe upcoming elections, posters,streamers and tarpaulin materialsare mushrooming these days despitethe fact that the official campaignperiod is yet to commenceon October 18.***Election season is also tarpaulinseason. Environmentalist groupsappeal to politicians that they beresponsible enough in postingtheir various campaign materials.They are not only eyesores but alsocontribute a lot to the trash in oursurroundings.***Some tarpaulin posters are quitefunny. Politicians use their creativeminds in wooing the attention ofthe electorates. They are like commoditiesbeing presented to theconsuming public as necessities.***<strong>For</strong> other opinions, comments,suggestions or adverse reactions,you may reach iWrite at 0919-5107665. ●bossy. Dahil dito, naghahanapsiya ng pamamaraan kung paanomaging bida sa pamilya.Ano ang maaring gawin ngmagulang na may gitnang anakupang maiwasan ang epekto ngmiddle child syndrome?• Tratuhin ang lahat ng mgaanak ng pantay-pantay. Maymga magulang at ekspertoang nagsasabing hindi totooang middle child syndromeat ito’y resulta lamang dahilsa kakulangan ng magulang.Kung totoo man ito o hindi,mainam pa rin na i-divideang attention at pagmamahalng pantay-pantay sa mgaanak. Mayroong unique nacharacter ang bawat anak athindi pare-pareho ang kagustuhanat importanteng malamanito ng magulang.• Tiyakin na involve ang sarili sabuhay ng inyong mga anak lalo nasa middle child. Maaaring hindimaintindihan ang passion sa buhayng anak kaya gumawa ng effortupang “ma-gets” ang mgakabataan. Mahalaga para sa mgagitnang anak ang makaranas ngacceptance mula sa magulang.Kung nagkamali o nagkasala anggitnang anak, kailangang maemphasizena siya ay napagalitanhindi dahil sa mga kapatid kundisa paraan ng pagkakamali at hindinakatuon sa mismong pagkatao.• Magbigay ng espesyal na oraspara sa kanila. May mga middlechildren na kung minsan ay gina-CHILDREN’S HEALTH... Page 9Finding spiritualityin suffering(First of two parts)Idecided to write about this subject because I wantedto read about it myself. Hindi ko ito kapritso lamang.Iti metung yang masampat a nasa cu.***Everybody suffers in life. We all know what it’s likeeither to be depressingly sick ourselves or to have someonewe love die or to lose everything we’ve worked forovernight (the Pampangueños most especially are verymuch affiliated to this feeling).We all know periods of realstress. But though everyonesuffers, not everyone has a lifeof suffering. Juan dela Cruzdid…and still does.***We humans do not adjust tosuffering automatically, likewe adjust to breathing. Thereis a process involved in sufferingthat leads to liberation, andsometimes the process could betedious and trying.Suffering is simply one morestage of life that depends moreon how we handle it than it doeson the circumstances themselves.Suffering is what we nameit. Suffering is what we are calledto transform into a new life…intoa new people. Suffering leads usto be another part of ourselves,but only if we know how to handlesuffering.Towardsthe LightABEL SOTO“We humansdo not adjustto sufferingautomatically,like we adjust tobreathing.”***Baquet atyu ya ing Dios quing casaquitan? Pauli napin ning dimut ngan mu ing nanu pa mang atyu carinquing panaun ning caquitan. Malanyong pamaquirameing babie da ring caluguran, e na ca tamusicasu ning sistema, ring miyayaliuang grupu susulungla mu cabud a alang direcsiun ampon e la man interesaducaring mangalati tamung casaquitan. Bucudmung quing Dios carin tamu macalapit ban aquit tayaing mas maleparan a paglalaue, ing uagas nang layunning casaquitan. Ing casaquitan lulubasa’na ca tamuangga quing quecatamung calalaman ampon caringqeucatamung pamag-compiansa, ampon gagabaca’noring mangatbud a lambat a panaligan tamu—amponlalacua’na ca tamung lubas.Atin yang parating tuturu quecatamu ing casaquitan.At iti ya pin ing pamanamin tamu a atin tamungdapat abalu careting casaquitan ban e tamu tutucnangdaragul anting tau.***Ang problema sa pagdurusa at mga paghihirapay inilulugmok tayo ng mga ito sa kaibuturan ng atingmga sarili. At isa itong madilim at malungkot napaglalakbay. Hinihingi sa atin ng ating mga paghihirapat mga pagdurusa sa buhay na bitawan ang lahat nasinandigan natin bilang ating mga proteksyon mula sakagaspangan ng buhay. Inaalis nito ang mga tinatawagnating mga “security blankets” at itinatapon ulit tayo saating mga kani-kaniyang mga kayamanan, na madalasnating hindi napalalago, o ni hindi man natin alamna mayroon tayo ng mga ito bago pa dumating angmga panahon ng ating mga pagdurusa at mga paghihirap.Kung kaya’t labis ang ating nagiging pagtangis.Nalulugmok tayo sa kumunoy ng pagka-awa sa atingmga sarili. Pumapalag tayo at tinutulan nating ang mgamga pagkatuto na iniaalok ng pagkakataon. Ginagawanatin halos ang lahat upang iwasan ang mga hindi maiiwasan.Ngunit kung may sapat na pananampalatayalamang tayo para sa paglalakbay, masusumpong pa rintayo sa mga sangkap ng ating mga hilaw na sarili. Ito ayisang paglalakbay na bawat isa sa atin ay sinusuong namag-isa. Maging anoman ang taliwas o kaibang inasahannatin na masumpungan.***Indeed, suffering exposes us to ourselves…as individuals,as a community, as a nation.We must learn to listen to, hold, and support othersfor their empowerment and ours. This is what our Presidentshould learn to plant in his heart.But we Filipinos are always deep into transition fromTOWARDS THE LIGHT... Page 9

6<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>OCTOBER 11-13, 2013Crossword puzzleles.com for hints and solutions!DownDown1. Fans’ shouts2. Hanging loosely3. Astonished stare24. Ciao, adios, etc.25. Where the Grimaldis rule28. Jacob's27. Lyre’swiferelativebefore Rachel1. Visitors 4. to Name Jesusthat one logs on with 29. "The 28. Last “Wonderful Days of Town” Pompeii" song5. Speed stat29. Sound of a blow2. Vidi, in Englishgirl6. ‘You ___ here’ (map words) 30. Break the spirit of7. ___ out: get angry31. Material3. Currency 8. in “___ Capri30. Try this firstway to go!”35. The O’Hara place4. ___ on (exaggerates)9. Do a farrier’s job 31. Antiseptic 36. “Baseball element Tonight” analyst10. Caesar’s firstJohn5. Braz. neighbor 11. What Eadie was35. Company's37. Vaultediconspace12. Tubular fare6. Eggs, biologically 13. ‘Oh my goodness!’36. Milk, 39. in Romantic Marseille missive41. Multiple choice choices7. Cassidy18.portrayerAustralianWilliamislands 37. ___-ball 44. Hor.’s (arcade opposite game)22. Lumber camp implements 46. Actress Kellerman8. Peter Fonda's golden role39. Campy 1960's hit sitcom9. Baggage carrier41. Work on glass, say10. Learned44. Item in an actor's hand11. Medieval rabbinical writer46. Teasdale and Roosevelt12. Bay window49. Intl. assn. for learning13. Bushels50. Gutta- __18. Maze options51. Offspring22. Ugandan tyrant Idi ___52. Split to bond24. 6-3, 5-7 and 6-4, e.g.53. Diminishes in intensity25. Safe place56. CouplesSM PAMPANGA27. Diner sandwiches, for57. | Cinema Place for 1 cogitationInsidious: Chapter 2shortSM PAMPANGA | Cinema 3GravityMTRCB Rating: PG-1311:00 AM | 1:00 PM | 3:00 PM | 5:00 PM |7:00 PM | 9:00 PMSM PAMPANGA | Cinema 4Escape PlanMTRCB Rating: R-1311:20 AM | 1:45 PM | 4:10 PM | 6:35 PM| 9:00 PMSM PAMPANGA | Cinema 5AlagwaMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:40 PM | 2:45 PM | 4:50 PM| 6:55 PM | 9:00 PMPuzzle ID: #W044DV1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 1617 18 1920 21 2223 24 25 2627 28 29 30 3132 33 34 35 36 3738 39 40 41 4243 44 45 46 4748 49 5051 52 53 5455 56 57 58 59 60 6162 63 64 6566 67 6869 70 71MTRCB Rating: PG-13 59. Go over 212 degrees11:40 AM | 2:00 PM | 4:20 PM | 6:40PM | 9:00 PMSM PAMPANGA | Cinema 2Cloudy With A Chance OfMeatballs 2MTRCB Rating: GP12:20 PM | 2:30 PM | 4:40 PM | 6:50 PM| 9:00 PMSM PAMPANGA | Cinema 6Kung Fu DivasMTRCB Rating: PG-1311:00 AM | 1:30 PM | 4:00 PM | 6:30PM | 9:00 PMRobinsons Starmills |Cinema 1Kung Fu DivasMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:00 PM | 2:20 PM | 4:40 PM | 7:00 PMRobinsons Starmills |Cinema 2Escape PlanMTRCB Rating: R-1312:00 PM | 2:30 PM | 5:00 PM |7:30 PMRobinsons Starmills |Cinema 3Arthur NewmanMTRCB Rating: R-1312:00 PM | 2:00 PMRobinsons Starmills | Cinema 3Exit HumanityMTRCB Rating: R-134:00 PM | 6:00 PM | 8:00 PM49. Keanu or George50. Legally responsible60. Longhorn51. Hard asState___schoolnear 52. the “Have Mex. Yourself border a ___ Little61. HoustonChristmas”player, informally53. Propel a bicycle64. Jerry 56. City Lewis inside hosts the Servian its Walltelethons 57. Kind annually: of hockey Abbr. shot59. One wet behind the ears65. ___ 60. Thomas favor: please Edison’s (Sp.) middlename61. The holm oak64. Tipsy65. Restaurateur ZabarSM CLARK | Cinema 1Escape PlanMTRCB Rating: R-1312:00 PM | 2:15 PM | 4:30 PM |6:45 PM | 9:00 PMSM CLARK | Cinema 2GravityMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:40 PM | 2:45 PM | 4:50 PM| 6:55 PM | 9:00 PMSM CLARK |D-CinemaGravityMTRCB Rating: PG-1310:35 AM | 12:40 PMSM CLARK |D-CinemaCloudy With A ChanceOf Meatballs 2MTRCB Rating: GP2:45 PM | 4:50 PM | 6:55 PM |9:00 PMSM CLARK |Cinema 4AlagwaMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:40 PM | 2:45 PM | 4:50 PM| 6:55 PM | 9:00 PMSM CLARK |Cinema 5Kung Fu DivasMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:00 PM | 2:15 PM | 4:30 PM| 6:45 PM | 9:00 PMSM CLARK |Cinema 6Insidious: Chapter 2MTRCB Rating: PG-1312:00 PM | 2:15 PM | 4:30 PM| 6:45 PM | 9:00 PMSM CLARK |IMAXGravity in 3DMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:30 PM | 2:45 PM | 5:00 PM| 7:15 PM | 9:30 PMRobinsons Starmills | Cinema 4Metro ManilaMTRCB Rating: R-1312:30 PM | 2:55 PM | 5:20 PM | 7:45 PMRobinsons Starmills | Cinema 5GravityMTRCB Rating: PG-131:00 PM | 3:00 PM | 5:00 PM | 7:00 PMRobinsons Starmills | Cinema 6Cloudy With A Chance OfMeatballs 2MTRCB Rating: GP12:00 PM | 2:05 PM | 5:10 PM | 7:15 PMRobinsons Angeles | Cinema 1Escape PlanMTRCB Rating: R-1312:20 PM | 2:50 PM | 5:20 PM | 7:50 PMI549MFLAST ISSUE ANSWERSAcross1. Spaghetti sauce brand5. Relating to the cheek10. Sleeveless garb14. “___, poor Yorick!”: Hamlet15. Ramble on16. “In My Own Fashion” autobiographerCassini17. Old-fashioned storage furniture19. Punjabi prince20. “Dum spiro __” (“While I breathe, I hope”)21. HOW SWEETHEARTSSTROLL23. Weapon in a silo, for short26. Certain daisies27. Solicitous question32. Sound of satisfaction33. Cassia leaflets.34. Alaskan cruise port38. Money in Abadan40. Bossa nova relative42. Org. for senior citizens43. Russian radio pioneer45. Marathoner’s gulp47. Moscow’s home: Abbr.48. “This Gun for Hire” star51. Fuse unit54. One-fifth of MMCCLV55. Corrects, as a typo58. Luau locus62. Catholic booklet63. Game of digs and spikes66. Auto, Dixie or demofollower67. Latter-day letter68. “___, from New York...”69. “Twin Peaks” actorMacLachlan70. After Aug. 3171. Page sent by computerSM CITY SAN FERNANDODowntown | Cinema 1Cloudy With A Chance OfMeatballs 2MTRCB Rating: GP12:20 PM | 2:30 PM | 4:40 PM| 6:50 PM | 9:00 PMSM CITY SAN FERNANDODowntown | Cinema 2Kung Fu DivasMTRCB Rating: PG-1311:00 AM | 1:30 PM | 4:00 PM| 6:30 PM | 9:00 PMSM CITY SAN FERNANDODowntown | Cinema 3GravityMTRCB Rating: PG-1311:00 AM | 1:00 PM | 3:00 PM| 5:00 PM | 7:00 PM | 9:00 PMMARQUEEMALL | Cinema 1Escape PlanMTRCB Rating: R-1311:50 AM | 2:15 PM | 4:40 PM | 7:05 PM |9:30 PMMARQUEEMALL | Cinema 2Cloudy With A ChanceOf Meatballs 2MTRCB Rating: GP12:45 PM | 2:55 PM | 5:05 PM| 7:15 PM | 9:25 PMMARQUEEMALL | Cinema 3GravityMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:55 PM | 3:00 PM | 5:05 PM| 7:10 PM | 9:15 PMMARQUEEMALL | Cinema 4Kung Fu DivasMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:00 PM | 2:15 PM | 4:30 PM | 6:45 PM| 9:00 PMRobinsons Angeles | Cinema 2Cloudy With A Chance OfMeatballs 2MTRCB Rating: GP1:00 PM | 3:10 PM | 5:20 PM | 7:30 PMRobinsons Angeles | Cinema 3Kung Fu DivasMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:30 PM | 2:50 PM | 5:10 PM | 7:40 PMRobinsons Angeles Cinema 4GravityMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:00 PM | 1:50 PM | 3:45 PM | 5:40PM | 7:40 PM( Cinema schedules are subject tochange without prior notice.)HOROSCOPELAST ISSUE solutionAQUARIUS (JAN. 20 - FEB. 18)Life may be a bit frustrating today. Frustrations are ironed out in no time with your patience. It is almost likethe frustrations happen so you will come to the rescue. In the past there was a tendency to have difficultymaking choices and decisions. You have learned problem-solving techniques and can use them today successfully.Give yourself a pat on the shoulder! Concentrating and getting down to the basics is the best pathto take this afternoon. There is a community affair this evening that will bring a positive end to a confusingday. Perhaps stopping to feed the ducks or to check out a bookstore will help in making the transition fromhigh awareness to enjoying the world around you. Music brings new perspective.ARIES (MAR. 21-APR. 19)If you need a loan, this is a good day to request one. This is a perfect time to be assertive and to move forwardin your career decisions. You have all the drive and energy you could want today. It should be easy to channelyour energies in the right direction. The path is open and clear. Communicating and being understood isimportant to you and today seems to be a high point for you as you learn new techniques and skills for beingclearly understood. You are respected for your efforts with this endeavor. Your timing should be perfect, andthose around you should find you most spontaneous. You may be able to enjoy and value your own life situationtoday. You feel especially kind toward a friend or loved one. Someone compliments you on your tastes.CANCER (JUN 22- JUL 22)Your public image has become improved and you may find higher-ups are taking another look at your possibilities.The good life and all that is fine and luxurious may be what you value just now. You could enjoy making yourown way and finding solutions to whatever problems you have but it is much more fun with a support system. Ifsomeone from your professional life asks you and your family to join in some activity away from work, it wouldbe good to go. You may be pleased to find many people have quite a fondness for you and your ideas. Someonemay want to help you move up the corporate ladder. A relationship with an older person that has presented someemotional challenge in the past may become more positive now. You are learning patience.CAPRICORN (DEC. 22 - JAN 19)All your co-worker friends are just as happy as you are that this is friday. You have all been working hard toplease customers and complete projects. Today may be the last push to complete whatever has been leftfor the last minute. You have an uncanny ability to get beyond the usual, always coming up with new waysof doing things. You can take the most mundane stuff and find a new angle. You enjoy working with theseco-workers as they are as unpredictable and spontaneous as you. Many of you prefer to create as you workand you respect other people’s ability to build and design. Regardless of the challenges to construct, youare ready for the weekend. There are creative adventures as well as party invitations just waiting for you.GEMINI (MAY 21-JUN 21)You do a lot that shows you have a genius mentality or at least close. Some of the things you think and sayare obviously brilliant. You have such an outpouring of insight that having a conversation with you can bea real experience. Your mind works like lightning. Words and thoughts are easily said but not many listen.Consider joining a group of people that enjoy similar activities; you will have much to communicate. Youwill find a multitude of friends where there was once, none or few. There may also be a sustained interest incommunication, computers, electronics and all that is electrical. This is a good day to start a diet or perhaps,a new and positive habit. All the energies are working in your favor for success.LEO (JUL 23 - AUG. 23)This day is one that opens up opportunities for improvement and positive changes. You may not find the supportyou want at this time but it does not mean you will not have it eventually. <strong>For</strong> now, the energies could be abit scattered. Some sort of temporary obstacle may appear. The important word here, however, is temporary!You may have a presentation later today and your job for now is to concentrate on selling your ideas to others,which you can do very well. You will be incredible . . . Poised and confident. This is the way you get attentionand because you are so convinced of your own project, others will be convinced as well. Check the calendar thisafternoon; a bit of shopping may be in order. Take an umbrella with you tonight.LIBRA (SEP. 23 - OCT. 23)This is a vital day with much energy and lots of action. You may feel focused and even a bit happy. You couldfind yourself in the limelight or able to really communicate and get yourself across to others. A financial orbusiness opportunity is opening up to you now and this seems to be the right time to become better knownfor your ideas and insight. You can demonstrate great understanding and sensitivity to the needs of othersand are in a good position to interact in groups and society in general. As a sports-minded person, you mayfind some group sport that is a fun way to work off any excessive energy this afternoon. Others in this birthsign may enjoy some social event with friends. This is a fortunate friday for you in many ways.PISCES (FEB. 19 - MAR. 20)This is an important day that you can use to your advantage. This day is not too lazy or too stressful--it is atime for accomplishing tasks or setting things up to work in your favor. Delays and inconveniences, however,may try your patience. Plan ahead, proof your work and confirm appointments. A visitor or customer in yourworkplace today compliments you on your efficiency and polite behavior. At home this afternoon a visitormay have a lot to say that is complimentary regarding your home, color scheme or the landscape around yourhome. Short trips can be enjoyed soon. A few last minute shopping trips or phone calls will get you where youwant to go. There may be an older person to visit before your start any type of trip.SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22 - DEC. 21)Things are happening, and your career depends upon your own ambition and drive, which are strong now. Yourthoughts count--so use your mind and communicate. You are at your most practical when it comes to dealing andworking with others. Material things and the whole concept of value take on more importance for you. Financialsecurity and enjoying the finer things in life, appreciating and creating things others long to have are experiencesthat assume a high priority. There are opportunities available for you to improve your budget. Your mind may bevery clear--your thoughts are brought to a sharp focus. It is easy to organize your thoughts, and communication ofall kinds is furthered--write that book or take that course.SCORPIO (OCT. 24- NOV. 21)Your attitude is that your professional life is as fun as your personal life. People around you use you as amentor. You are appreciated for your ability to respond quickly when others need help. You may enjoybeing called upon to help others, so when you respond that it is your pleasure to be helpful--you meanit. Communications with others are positive. You may find your run of luck more positive than usualthis friday. It is a very lucky day for making plans or decisions and finding your way through just aboutany problem you may discover--you feel successful. Difficult matters of the past are coming to a successfulend. New and constructive plans are in the making for your whole family. Do you sing together?TAURUS (APR. 20-MAY 20)A little time this morning will allow you to design and create something wonderful from your imagination.If you can craft it in you mind and deeply believe in what you have designed or crafted in your mind, youwill achieve it in reality. Success is near. Any professional advice you might need is available. You will alsohave the support you require as you readily give support to others. Someone may challenge you but thatjust makes your work more focused. You combine drive and enthusiasm with ambition and self-control inyour professional work. You will accomplish much toward your goals through careful concentration. Thisafternoon and evening you may decide to map out places outside the city for a weekend adventure.VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEP.22)Magical things seem to happen today and everything works well for you. You may find that you are moreorganized than usual--able to reach new levels of self-discipline. A class that you took in the past or theeducation that you received to get you where you are now is appreciated. A difficult customer this afternoongains everyone’s attention; you are the one that can put everything in perspective. You are good at calmingthe emotional frustrations of another as you know just the right questions to ask. It is wisdom and notalways knowledge that counts the most. Some type of entertainment fills the air at your house this evening.Neighbors and friends may enjoy an unexpected evening and card or board game interaction here and there.

<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>OCTOBER 11-13, 2013SHOWBIZ7Dahil nadala sa character sa teleserye…Lorna T. ayaw nangpasukin ang pulitikaNatawa si Lorna Tolentinonang ma-realize na kahitoff-cam,nadadala niya angkarakter niyang siPresident SandraSebastian-Trinidadsa Genesis dahil sainterview, may politicaljargon siyangnagagamit at ibigsabihin lang daw,dalang-dala niyaang ginagampanangkarakter sa sci-fi/human drama namagpa-pilot sa Monday afterKahit Nasaan Ka Man.Enrique Gil natensyon sakissing scene with Bea AlonzoNakakatuwang pagmasdansi Enrique Gil sa pressconng She’s The Onemovie nila nina Dingdong Dantesand Bea Alonzo under Star Cinemadahil obvious na kabadosiya kapag tinatanong tungkol sakaparehang aktres at halos magkandabulolsa pagsagot.Kaya naman puro kantyawang inabot niya mula saentertainmentpress at angobserba s yonnga ng lahat,crush niya talagasi Bea kayaganu’n siya katense.S aWalang single peg si LT samga naging president ng bansasa kanyang role dahilpinagsama-sama niya angugali at qualities ng mgapresident.Nagsisimula raw siyangmag-internalize sa kanyangrole habang binabasapa lang ang script athinahanap kung saan siyatatamaan sa puso.Dahil sa role sa Genesis,lalong ayaw pumasok sapulitika ni LT. Okay langsa kanyang may mga kaibigangpolitician, pero siya, masayana maging artista, farmer,ina at lola.May mga military men nanagtuturo kay LT sa taping gayang right way to salute, to carryherself at pati sa pagsasalita.Ang wardrobe niya ay productionang in-charge at hirap siyadahil hindi siya mahilig sa suit.Sa direction nina Bb. JoyceBernal at Mark Reyes, maramingnag-cameo sa Genesis kabilangsina Bembol Roco, GardoVersoza, Mark Anthony Fernandez,Snooky Serna, PauleenLuna as the young LT at DirekLaurice Guillen. May specialparticipation si Lauren Youngas LT’s daughter. ●trailer pa lang, nagmarka na angeksena nila ni Bea sa ulanan kungsaan ay seksing-sexy ang aktresna nagpapalit ng gulong sa daanhabang si Enrique naman ay kinukunansiya ng video.Bale ba ay may kissing scenesila kaya talagang inurirat si Enriquetungkol dito -- kung anoang naramdaman niya, nadala basiya sa eksena, etcetera.Pagtatapat ng young actor, walaraw talaga sa original scriptang kissing scene nila ni Beaat aminadong ninerbyos siyanang husto nang malamangmeron pala.“Nung una, sinabi sa akin,wala namang kissing scene.So sabi ko, ah, ok. Taposnun’g nagsu-shoot nakami, biglang binago,and sabi ko, ‘Talaga?Wow!’“ T h e n ,nu’ng binasako ’yungs c r i p t ,hindi koa l a ma n gpaki-ramdam ko nu’n, eh. Hindi ko maexplain.Hindi ko na inisip kungano ’yung... para sa akin, sanamagawa ko nang maayos, ’yunang naisip ko,” say ni Enrique.Aminado naman ang young actorna talagang ninerbyos siya sakissing scene dahil ito raw angmaiku-consider niyang first kissingscene na solid daw talaga.“Tense talaga. Kahit sino namankapag una, mate-tense. So,na-tense lang talaga ako,” he said.“Pero okay naman dahil napakagalingni Bea,” dagdag ni Enrique.Nag-react ang mga entertainmentpress sa sinabing ito ngyoung actor kaya dinugtunganniya agad, “na artista”.When asked kung nadala basiya sa kissing scene, medyo nahihiyangnapaamin din si Enrique.“Oo naman, oo,” agad-agad niyangtugon kaya nagsigawan nanaman.“Syempre, nakakadala angeksena. Kung hindi, hindi maganda.Dapat madala ka talaga,” paliwanangniya.Kaaliw itong si Enrique talaga.Anyway, showing na sa Oct.16 ang She’s The One mula sa direksyonni Mae Czarina Cruz.●Lorna Tolentinowill play as thePresident of thePhilippines withDingdong andRhian in an upcomingprimetimeseries Genesis.Jake Cuenca matinik nga ba?“Walang lovelife, walang sex lifeequals nganga!”’Yan ang isa sa mga nakakikiliti atkontrobersyal na linyang binitawanni Jake Cuenca sa bagong pelikulang Regal Entertainment, Inc., angStatus: It’s Complicated, kung saanmakakasama niya sina Maja Salvador,Paulo Avelino, Solenn Heussaff atEugene Domingo.Sa totoong buhay, mukhang malayongmaging “nganga” si Jake kung angpagbabasehan ay ang kabi-kabilangpagkaka-link niya sa ilan sa atingmagagandang aktres.Kumbaga, likas na matulis ang actorpagdating sa mga babae.Sa past interviews niya, ilang ulitna ring sinabi ni Jake na hindi siyagaanong naniniwala sa ligawan opanliligaw.Kusang nadi-develop ang pagmamahalpara sa kanya at medyo malihimdin siya pagdating sa kanyanglovelife.Pero sabi nga ni Jake, napagaaralannaman ang panliligaw kungtalagang dapat at kinakailangan.“It’s just not my style,” pakli niya.Kapansin-pansin na medyo maypagkakapareho si Jake at ang characterni Manny na pinu-portray niyasa Status: It’s Complicated, ang ChrisMartinez movie na inspired ng classicmovie na Salawahan ng yumaongbatikang director na si Ishmael Bernalnu’ng dekada ’80.Woman’s man kasi si Manny naJAKE CUENCA... Page 9JAKECUENCA

8 BUSINESS OCTOBER<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>11-13, 2013JICA officials tour Subicto gauge funded projectsSUBIC BAY FREEPORT--Officials of the Japan InternationalCooperation Agency(JICA) and other Japanesefinancial institutions haverecently visited this free portto assess the status and financialand economic potentialsof projects funded by the financialinstitution.Led by JICA chief representativeTakahiro Sasaki,the group was welcomed bySubic Bay Metropolitan Authority(SBMA) chairmanRoberto Garcia and other officialsfrom the SBMA seaportdepartment.Sasaki said the group’s visitto Subic was part of their twodaytour of the Philippines tounderstand the actual financialand economic potential ofthe country and also to introduceJICA’s projects and programshere.During the meeting, Garciaand seaport officials briefedthe visitors on the seaportfacilities available within thefree port, as well as the performanceof the New ContainerPort Terminal.The terminal project, alongwith the Subic-Clark-TarlacExpressway that connectedthe two former bases of Subicand Clark, was completedwith funding from JICA’s OfficialDevelopment Assistance(ODA).Last month, a group composedof members of theHouse of Councilors fromJapan also visited Subic andcommented that the Philippineshas a huge potential andthat it needs to take advantagethe growing manufacturingsector. ● (PNA)Coops managerstrained to sharpenbusiness skillsBy MICHAEL CIGARALBALANGA CITY -- Cooperativemanagers in this city and acrossthe province underwent a trainingon the “Compliance Seminaron Entrepreneurial and BusinessManagement” at the ProvincialCooperative Development Office(PCDO) training room at theCapitol building yesterday.Renown businessman PauloTibig, also known as the “EntrepChamp”, was the guest lecturerand speaker.He said this two-day trainingaims to empower the cooperativesand serve as opportunityto level up their business operations.Tibig, who is also one of thedirectors of the Authority of theFreeport Area of Bataan (AFAB),added that the coop managerswill definitely learn here on how toimprove their revenue generationand to devise a sustainable andprofitable approach in developingtheir businesses.Meanwhile, local fishermenand entrepreneurs here are invitedto partake in the 4th TilapiaCongress on October 17-18 at theFontana Leisure Park, Clarkfield,Pampanga.Themed “Tilapia: Isdang Pangkabuhayanat Pangkaunlaran,”the congress will hold discussionson the trends on local andglobal trade, food safety and adaptationto climate change.Interested parties are advisedto inquire at their municipalagriculture office in their respectiveareas. ●Power ‘to do it all’ withSun Value Plan 200If you are among themodern achievers ofour generation, you areprobably in that constantsearch for toolsthat will let you do itall. This translates fromthe grandest of lifechoices, and even downto choosing the perfectmobile subscription.This is where SunCellular comes intoplay with its newestand most affordableplan – the Sun ValuePlan 200. Simply by itsname alone, this offeringpresents a friendlychoice to value-seekers.Much more, if you takea closer look at its inclusions,there you will findan even bigger value.Sun Value Plan 200comes with unlimitedSun texts, 2 hours ofSun calls, 2 hours ofmobile internet and awhopping 500 texts toother networks. Looksquite good on paper, really,but for us to realizethe total value of theSun Value Plan 200, wehave to first break downthe use of each featureand relate them to ourday to day lives.First, the unlimitedSun texts is extremelyuseful, no questionabout that, especiallywhen many of yourfriends and loved onesare Sun subscribers aswell.Those times whenyou need to check upon mom or the kids arewhere the two hours ofSun calls come in handy.Those calls generally donot take longer than twoor three minutes, makingthe two hours of Suncalls relatively long incomparison.You also have twohours of mobile internetfor those times that youreally have to quicklyanswer your emailsand/or ask for one morelife in Candy Crush.Last but not theleast, 500 of texts toother networks. Theseare for those timeswhen you just have toreach a huge numberof people with little tono cost and effort, likeplanning those get-togethersor group messagingyour time away.The sheer amount oftexts messages that theSun Value Plan 200 willmake even the heaviestof texters jump withglee!You also get a freephone once your planreaches six months old--we just thought that wehad to throw that extrapiece of info in.These are just few ofthe daily habits that theSun Value Plan 200 cananswer, and the onlyway for you to knowwhat other use you canget out of it is to get onefor yourself! Do not forgetthat this plan costsa measly P200 a pop.Where else can you getthat much service inclusionsfor only P200?<strong>For</strong> more informationon this and otherservices that Sun Cellularoffers, log on towww.suncellular.com.ph. You can also checkfor updates by loggingon to their official Facebookpage: facebook.com/suncellularph oron Twitter: twitter.com/suncelltweets.Sun Cellular is amember of the PLDTGroup. ●In 2013 anti-red tape survey5 GSIS branchesget excellent ratingMANILA -- Five branch offices of the Government Service InsuranceSystem (GSIS) have recently been rated “Excellent”for exemplary service and for complying with the provisions ofRepublic Act 9485 or the Anti-Red Tape Act (ARTA).The Civil Service Commission (CSC), the bureaucracy’spersonnel agency conducting ARTA survey among governmentoffices, has conferred on the GSIS Bacolod Branch Officethe CSC‘s Seal of Excellence last 13 September 2013 forobtaining a 91.57 ARTA rating. It is the first GSIS office toreceive the award.As the CSC continues conducting the survey, four otherGSIS branch offices have rebounded from “failed” ratings in2012 and earned “excellent” scores to date: Bohol (93.28%),Bulacan (93.01%), Laguna (93.01%), and Masbate (90.34%).From a final grade average of 63% for 13 branches surveyedin 2012, the current average for the same branch offices is89.70%. These include Palawan (89.35%), Tuguegarao(89.28%), Batangas (89.12%), and Lucena (89.11%).The ARTA passing grade is set at 70%, with no grade fallingbelow 70% in any of the five core areas - conformancewith ARTA provisions, frontline service, service quality, physicalworking condition, and overall (client) satisfaction.“Receiving those ratings is a welcome indication that thereforms toward service breakthroughs that we initiated in 2012and started implementing in 2013 are paying off,” GSIS Presidentand General Manager Robert Vergara said.He added that the ARTA ratings only affirm, among others,that “pursuing improved service and benefits for our membersand pensioners remains, as it should, the pension fund’s overarchinggoal.”In a related development, Vergara said that the Commissionon Audit recently released its unqualified opinion on thefinancial position of GSIS as of December 31, 2012.“This is the second time in a row that GSIS has received anunqualified opinion.”An unqualified opinion means that COA believes that the financialstatements of GSIS are sound and are presented fairly“in all material respects”.He said that 2012 was a “banner year for the pension fund”with total comprehensive income reaching P93.2 billion, fromP73.2 billion in 2011 and P63.9 billion in 2010.In addition, payment of claims for retirement, pension,disability and funeral benefits increased by 23% from P51.7billion in 2011 to P63.6 billion in 2012. GSIS also grantedP37.9 billion in various loans which benefited 1,583,887 borrowers.●GUT FEEL from Page 4of their activities that led to rice importationanomalies including smuggling. In theend, not only that local farmers were deniedstronger incentive to improve productionbut the rightful claim of their cooperativesto benefits were even coopted and abused bydubious ones.Bogus NGOs have been news for quitesome time now because of how they were reportedlyused to pocket billions of pesos frompork barrel. The scam only revealed the hugefunds that could have been made available toboost cooperative development and economicempowerment of people’s organizations inthe country. Civil society, led by legitimatenon-government organizations and cooperatives,now has the golden opportunity toreassert its mandated role in national development.There should be plenty of funds nowlying unreleased somewhere in the nationalbudget that need protection from scam artistsand that are just waiting to be tapped forproductive projects initiated by real people’sorganizations with good track records. Thekey here is a tight cooperation between thelocal government units and the NGOs.Some systems by which NGOs, includingcooperatives, are accredited by the local governmentsalready exist and are mostly subfunctionsof provincial, city and municipalcouncils. But other NGOs get integrated intothe developmental programs of the local governmentsthrough their various departmentshandling health, agriculture, social welfareand barangay affairs. What is needed is aneffective system of screening all of theseNGOs in terms of purpose, membership andtrack record in the community, granting renewableaccreditation and putting all theirrecords in easily-accessed database banks.What must be added also is a support systemof services that can provide legitimate NGOswith better fighting chance against the bogusones that are propped up by well-financedtechnical staff.Once the above is done, the selection of theNGO representatives to the various levels oflocal development councils and local boardsas mandated by law like the Local GovernmentCode can be done more objectively.These are the mechanisms by which localgovernment units can prove that they canidentify local priorities better and deservethe downloading of more program funds tothem in excess of their Internal Revenue Allotment.But at the same time, local governmentunits should start getting themselvesaccustomed to more aggressive public demandfor transparency once the Freedom ofInformation bill is passed. The FOI bill wasalready certified urgent by Malacañang asstrong clamor for its passage has accompaniedthe continuing outcry against the porkbarrel system. While corruption also rearsits ugly head at the local government level,the latitude here that could be given to civilsociety to monitor governance and discourageofficial wrongdoings is more workable.This is the setup that can dispute any argumentfor the pork barrel system.Cooperative organizations constitute themore stable non-government organizationsrepresenting civil society. The importanceof cooperatives to the country can better beappreciated if we look at the contribution ofthe movement to the country’s gross regionaldomestic product (GRDP). GRDP measuresthe goods and services produced in each ofthe geopolitical regions of the country. Basedon government data it could reach to aboutsix percent of the GRDP at present involvingmore than 6 million members. That is onebig chunk of our country that is underminedwhen the name of a cooperative or an NGOis used for the wrong purpose. That is whatmakes the Napoles NGOs so wicked and immoral.Coopting NGOs by bogus ones mustbe stopped. •

<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>OCTOBER 11-13, 20139scams from Page 1us to reach our goal of acorruption-free country,we need to remove all theunclean. We did not assumethat all of these disappearedwhen PresidentAquino assumed office sothis is the time to purgethose),” Llamas said.Llamas made thesestatements in response tovarious fund scandals thatsm mabalacat from Page 1market mall in Mabalacat, similarto that of SM San Fernando Downtown,”Morales said.Morales offered about 5,000square meters of land, near thecity’s bus terminal in Barangay Dau,where SM investors can put up aseven-storey building.The city mayor said he wanted aSEABORNE PATROL from Page 3fectively speed up coordinationwith other related governmentagencies such asthe PCG and the PhilippineNavy in responding to seamishaps, oil spills and othersea tragedies especially duringtyphoons.Meanwhile, in relationto the government’s programcalled “Adopt-a-lighthouse,”JOBSTART from Page 3Also present during the programwere Shigeko Hattori, Director of PublicManagement, Financial Sector andTrade Division of Southeast Asia Department,Asian Development BankSCHOLAR from Page 3foreclosed from Page 1GSIS-Pampanga Staff Officer JanetteDimaliwat-Roxas and Staff Officer IIEnrico Jiao, who represented BranchManager Araceli Santos, recently presentedto Pineda a report on the properties,most of which are houses and lotsat Pampanga’s capital City of San Fernando.Dimaliwat-Roxas also cited commercialproperties in Guagua town describingthem as “wise buy.”The other properties are in Magalangtown, one of the flood-free areas in theprovince.First District Board Member Crisos-bells peal from Page 1all the churches in the Diocese will berung to send out a message that porkbarrel “should be abolished because ithas become the deadly instrument ofcorruption that in its place should be amore effective, direct, and clean way ofdelivering service, assistance, and justiceto our people especially the poor.”“We should make the loudesttomo Garbo said Pineda is looking intothe acquisition of the properties for themore than 1,000 Capitol workers.“The welfare and future of the provincialgovernment workers are amongthe priorities of the governor. They mayalso be for poor but responsible people,”said Garbo, who initiated the meeting ofPineda with the GSIS.Third District Board Members RosveHenson and Ferdinand Labung, whoattended the meeting, said they andthe GSIS officials are set to inspect theproperties.Pineda said she is planning to buycame out during Aquino’sadministration includingthe misuse of lawmakers’Priority Development AssistanceFund (PDAF), theDisbursement AccelerationProgram (DAP) and theMalampaya funds.With DAP, Llamas saidthe Supreme Court will decidewhether it is legal ornot.However, once the highcourt decides to removeDAP, Llamas said the presidentwill “not think twice”in abolishing it.Meanwhile, Llamassaid, Malampaya funds willbe re-adjusted to social targetsincluding the marginalizedsector.“Mas mahigpit ang direksyonng pondong ito,”business champion in Mabalacat “sodevelopments here will continue.”“Mabalacat City is accessible, it’sflood-free and our human resourcesare good. What we lack is a businesschampion so I invited SM Supermallsto come here,” Morales said.Morales said SM Supermallsvice president for operations BienMayor Concepcion also revealedthat they are now setto work with the PCG to reconstructand preserve thehistoric Sisiman lighthousewhich was reportedly damagedby the recent typhoons.The project also invitesprivate individuals, corporationsand non-governmentorganizations to adopt oneof the country’s 558 lighthouses.In a report from theCoast Guard, it states thatof the 558 lighthouses situatedall over the country,only 471 of them are working.The remaining 87 units,which have been reportedlyvandalized or burglarized--their bulbs and batteriesthe GSIS properties “to help the governmentretrieve said assets and save thelands and houses before they rot due toneglect.”“Let us help each other in not lettingthe properties be put to waste. So manypeople have no houses,” said Pineda inthe dialect.Pineda urged the GSIS to let them buythe properties “in friendly prices andgood terms.”Garbo said the provincial board willgrant an authority to Pineda once the“terms are met and the properties areseen to be worth buying.” ●sound possible to awaken our lawmakers,our government officials, thepoliticians and the citizens that people’smoney not spent for the good andwelfare of the people is stolen money,”Santos added.Last Saturday, Bishop Santos heldprocessions as a way to demonstratestrong opposition to the alleged misuseof the Priority Development AssistanceFund (PDAF) simultaneously atthe Saint Catherine of Siena church inSamal town and at the Saint John TheBaptist church in Dinalupihan.The two processions met and endedat the Virgen Milagrosa del Rosariochurch in Orani where a Holy Masswas held. ●Llamas said.Malampaya funds camefrom the oil and natural gasextraction operations in thewaters off Palawan.<strong>For</strong> PDAF, Llamassaid, the government willre-align such funds to lineagencies and local governmentunits so it will directlygo to Filipinos in thesitios. ●Mateo has agreed to the proposal.He added that Mateo has laidout plans for the proposed mall includingthe reconstruction of thecity’s public market.Mabalacat City plays host to theClark International Airport andClark Development Corporation. ●--Charlene Cayabyabstolen--are in urgent need ofadoption so these could berepaired and refurbished.The PCG which is alsomandated to operate thelighthouses, hired civilianpersonnel to man the lighthouses,but thieves and vandalsallegedly sneak insidethe towers when the lighthousekeepers go home. ●(ADB) and Luke Myers, Country ProgramManager of Canadian InternationalDevelopment Agency (CIDA).San Fernando’s Employment ServicesDivision Youth Development, Vocationaland Career Guidance Sectionalso conducted basic labor educationtraining to graduating students from13 local colleges and technical schoolsin the city. ●their salaries.Pineda gave the reminder during the distributionof salaries for the SPES beneficiaries in Second Districttowns held at the Lubao Gymnasium on Wednesday.“Keng tutuki kayung magobra king lalam ning SPES,o nung atin kayung kakilala na maka-duty pa, agad nanity volunteers and as payback for their services in theirvillage.The SPES beneficiaries for this batch are 255 in total--14from Floridablanca; 73 from Guagua; 95 fromLubao; 26 from Porac; 19 from Sasmuan; and 28 fromSta. Rita.kayung mag-submit kareng requirements para agad lang Each working student receivedma-prosesu reng sweldu yu,” the governor said.This batch of SPES beneficiaries are children orrelatives of barangay health workers (BHW) and villagewatchmen or barangay tanod.Documents asked from the working students arecertificates of indigence, proof of relationship to BHW orbarangay tanod, registration form from school/university,P6,190 wherein the provin-cial government shouldered the60 percent equivalent to P3,714and the Department of Laborand Employment assumed the remaining40 percent amounting toP2,476. ●2x2 photo, and their fullyaccomplished daily time record(DTR).Governor Pineda specificallyasked the PublicEmployment Services Officeheaded by Luningning VergaraWant to broaden your business ho-LET US HELP YOU!to prioritize the students CALL US: (045)435-0938 • 436-1576from this sector to serve asEMAIL US: headlinegitnangluzon@gmail.comVISIT US: 2nd Floor, U2 Bldg., MacArthur Hiway, Dolores, City of San Fernando (P)an incentive for the commu-JAKE CUENCA from Page 7tipong nakukuha ang kahit sinong babae namagustuhan… hanggang sa makilala niya angcharacter ni Maja na si Rina, isang hard-to-getat conservative hot babe na magpapabago sapagtingin ni Manny tungkol sa pag-ibig at pakikipagrelasyon.Masalimuot ang umpisa ng kanilangpagtatagpo at kung anu-anong komplikasyonang susuungin nina Manny at Rina, pero sahuli, matututunan nilang mahalin at tanggapinang isa’t isa sa kung ano at sino sila.Sey nga ni Direk Chris, pati ang moviegoers,mababago ang pananaw sa love, sex atrelationship oras na mapanood ang Status:It’s Complicated na magbubukas sa localtheaters sa Nov. 6.●TOWARDS THE LIGHT from Page 5one moment in life to the next. We abide at acertain point in the universe of the soul that ispopulated by the self alone.We Filipinos can relate and respond to thisparticular fact of life. It sticks to our throat as anation. The fact is that we feel that we listenedand held and supported and empowered peoplefor a long time. And drained ourselves dry inthe process. Then we found ourselves as a nationbasically alone at the end of it. We Filipinosshould not anymore be into “listening, holding,or empowering” at this point in history as a nation.We should be into recovering our own livesas Filipinos. Yet. As in, maybe we haven’t begun.***Metung caring dimensiun na ning casaquitanya pin ing caranasa’na ning calungcutanampon pamagdili-dili a macataid caniti, ingcapanandama’na ning dudurut a alang nanumang macataid queca, ampon ala cang nanupa mang balu nung nucarin ca tutuquingmunta, ampon ala cang ninu pa mang cayabeban midalipat ca at miras quing quecang pupuntalan.At aquit me ing sarili mu a macatalacadanting metung a asung-gubat quing gilidna ning caqueuan, manaya quing bie a micapanibayungdurut. Canita tamu mu macapanalacadat macabuung pasibayung metunga bayung yatu quing sarili tamung disenyu atcalalangan. Canita tamu mu micaca-pipamilinan.Macapag-pasya tamung sumulung, o maliaritamung subucnan calauit quing metunga milabasan a maluat nang ala o mapaliaringmete na. ●CHILDREN’S HEALTH from Page 5gawa ang kung anu-anong mga bagay paramakakuha ng atensyon katulad ng pagpapakulayng buhok na kulay ube o pink, o kungminsan ay nagiging sobrang fanatic sa isangsikat na banda o singer – dahil naghahanapsila ng sarili nilang identity. Bilang mgamagulang, bigyan sila ng sapat na panahon.Sa tuwing kakain ng sabay sa hapag-kainan,kamustahin ang araw nila sa eskwelahan.Kapag nabibigyan ng focus ang middle child,nagkakaroon sila ng sense of reassurancena sila ay importante kagaya ng panganay atbunso.• Mahalaga na i-share ang mga memories.Siguraduhin na ang family photo album aynaglalaman ng mga photos kung saan nailalarawanang pagmamahal sa mga anak kabilangang middle child. Siguraduhing pantayrin ang bilang ng exposure ng mga magkakapatidsa mga letrato.Sa bandang huli, ang mahalagang tandaanng mga magulang ay ang pagbibigay ng sapatna atensyon, pag-aaruga at pagmamahal samga anak kahit ano pa ang birth order nito sapamilya. Lahat sila ay mahalaga at responsibilidadng magulang ang palakihin sila nangmalusog sa pangangatawan, kaisipan, magingsa emosyonal at ispiritwal na aspeto.Kung may katanungan, suhestiyon o opiniontungkol sa kalusugan ng mga bata, maarikayong magtext sa 0932-884-0630. •DRUG BUST from Page 2ster informed them of the suspects’ activitiesin the area.Confiscated from the suspects were twoplastic sachets containing suspected shabu.Oliveros and Parungao were brought, forinvestigation and temporary detention, to theMagalang Police Station.●

FEATUREVOLUME II • NO. 88 • OCTOBER 11-13, 2013 • FRIDAY - SUNDAYChristmasmotifs onthe rushA worker paintson colors to givelife to the pieces.<strong>For</strong> interioror exteriordecorationsCHRYSARAA NEST OF CHRISTMAS AND RELIGIOUS ICONS<strong>For</strong> almost 30 years, Pampanga-based company,Chrysara, has been creating beautiful devotionalicons, home collectibles, giftware and small furniture,and exporting these to the world.High-end boutiques and catalogues in the United States,Europe, Australia and New Zealand, the Middle East and Asiahave been carrying Chrysara’s items, while only a handfulof Filipinos “in the know” have been privy to the wonderfulworks of this Filipino company.This year, Chrysara has opened its doors to Pampangaand beyond with Chrysara NEST, the company’s flagshipshop.At Chrysara NEST, one will find a wide range of worldclassFilipino handcrafted products such as devotionalicons—santos, retablos, the Nuestra Señora, angels andcherubs, nativity scenes, and crucifixes—as well as mirrors,sconces and wall décor, home accessories, patio décor, andcandelabras, among others.All their items are timeless and classic. Known for theway they mix materials, for their attention to detail in shapeand form, as well as for their special finishing techniques,the items are remarkable for their patina, which gives theman antique or carefully worn effect.While Chrysara NEST’s accessories have an antique aurato them, they translate across a wide range of interior styles.They are equally at home in maximalist and minimalist interiordesign schemes, as well as in traditional and modernsettings.All items are created by a team of highly skilled Filipino designers,carvers, resin-casters, tinsmiths and painters. IndeedChrysara NEST is a treasure trove waiting to be discovered.BACKGROUNDIn 1984, together with a small group of artisans, AliceReyes opened a home decor company in the basement of herhome in Pasay. She wanted to try her hand at establishingan export company that designed and produced items thatshowcased the talents of Philippine artisans and craftsmen.She named the company Chrysara for her children, Chris andSara.“Almost 30 years later, our handcrafted decorative accessoriescan be found in exclusive boutiques and catalogsacross the globe,” Alice Reyes quips.Alice, also known in the arts circles as the founder, visionaryformer artistic director and president of Ballet Philippines,is Chrysara’s creative director. Working alongside heris her daughter Sara Upton, who is director for sales andmarketing.Alice and Sara manage Chrysara from the United Stateswith a reliable team in Pampanga, composed of Kapampangansand employees from all over the Philippines, many ofwhom moved with them to Pampanga in 2000.Q: When you started Chrysara, how did you envisionit? Did you see it growing this big?Alice Reyes: No, I always just wanted to provide employmentfor my staff from The Galleon Shops, as well as subfactorieswe had partnered with. I saw a family-style operationwith everyone feeling the company was theirs as muchas it was mine. From day 1 there was profit sharing for all, soif everyone worked well and hard, there was that to look forwardto at the end of the year. If rent and payroll were takencare of, and there was some bonus at the end of the year foreveryone, that was a good thing.But the underlying theme was always Quality. In everything.Including service, not only to our buyers, but to eachother and quality in their lives. So the goal was to be “the bestlittle company in Asia.” Not too ambitious and earth shattering,right? The reason was simple—I was going to have tomanage stuff from 7000 miles away so we had to be as realisticas possible while still going forward competitively.Q: What is the secret to Chrysara’s success?AR: In retrospect, I would cite my theatre/dance backgroundfor two of the basic reasons for our longevity and growth—the highest quality standards possible and the dependabilityfactor.Our buyers knew that our production quality would bejust as good as the samples we sent out. And if we promisedyou shipment and delivery at such a date, we would moveheaven and earth to meet that commitment. Our buyers appreciatedthis and simply added it to the value given to ouritems.The third factor would be the immense range of our collections.There would inevitably be something to buy forevery buyer who came to our showroom. This was of coursethe most fun for me—the product development workshopsare beehives of activity year round, producing an average of500 new items annually. To witness design projects go froma 2-D sketch to a fully developed 3-D prototype is so satisfying.It’s a testimony to the talent and craftsmanship of ourFilipino artisans and workers.Q: With retail and online sales now becoming part ofChrysara, how do you envision Chrysara from here onout?Sara: Moving forward, the company will have two major areasof focus: our export brand Chrysara and our local brandChrysara NEST. With NEST we hope to gain exposure andmarket share throughout the Philippines.Our website will give people all over the country accessto our hand crafted items. As part of our strategy for thenational market we plan to integrate items inspired by Philippineart and culture such as belens and heirloom pieces.Our brick and mortar stores in Pampanga and Manila willhave an added focus of tailoring our items to the surroundingareas. <strong>For</strong> example, in Pampanga we plan to develop aline of ecclesiastical icons of local patron saints and of regionspecific retablos.We are very excited about sharing the work of our talentedartisans and having Chrysara NEST items find theirultimate homes right here in the Philippines.Q: Why did you choose to set up your headquartersin Pampanga?Sara: We are proud to be part of the Pampanga community.We chose Pampanga in part for its proximity to Manila,which is from where our goods are shipped. More importantlywe felt the move here would provide our employeeswith a better quality of life. Pampanga has a vibrant culture,it’s less crowded, has great schools, and of course, reallygood food! When we announced the move over 90 percentof our employees relocated with us, and many of themhave raised their families here. Pampanga is also home toso many skilled artisans and we have benefited immenselyfrom their talents.Chrysara NEST is at Angeles Industrial Park, Calibutbut,Bacolor, Pampanga, with contact number (045) 598 6036and email address, chrysara@chrysara.com.Chrysara NEST will also be opening in Mandaluyong andan online store, chrysara-nest.com, in November 2013. ●(ABL)Beyondboundaries<strong>For</strong> the kids and kids at heart.OUR LADY OFGUADALUPEWITH ARCHChristmas‘Belen’characters

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