38254-04-ind-iee-20 Badami.pdf - kuidfc

38254-04-ind-iee-20 Badami.pdf - kuidfc

38254-04-ind-iee-20 Badami.pdf - kuidfc


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NKUSIP (Package II – Belgaum)Tranche II Sub-projects in <strong>Badami</strong> TMCInitial Environment Examination (IEE)Table 5.4: Environmental Monitoring Plan for Water Supply Rehabilitation in the proposed SlumMitigation Measures &Parameters to be monitoredLocation Monitoring Method MonitoringFrequencyDesign/Location StageMonitoringCheck for Construction related N.A. Verification of contract documents One-offimpacts and mitigation measures-inspection beforeIncorporation of mitigationsigning of themeasures into the bidding and civilcontractcontract documentsAll designs of components includeOne time beforeproper consideration offinal designenvironment (i.e., water and air - Proposed designs of DSCphasequality, noise pollution, sludgemanagement)Design of occupational safetymeasuresTraining programs for staff byconsultantsConstruction Stage MonitoringAll construction related mitigationmeasures - Construction sitemanagement plan to control dustand noise nuisance, and roadblocksImplementation of EMP bycontractor- Proposed designs of DSC-- --N.A.Construction areaVerification of contract documents before signing thecontractImplementation of mitigation measures and monitoringplanOne time beforefinal designphaseAs needed beforeand duringimplementationOne-offinspectioncontractdocumentRegularofMonitoringResponsibilityPMUPMUContractorKUIDFC 52 SPAN

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