38254-04-ind-iee-20 Badami.pdf - kuidfc

38254-04-ind-iee-20 Badami.pdf - kuidfc

38254-04-ind-iee-20 Badami.pdf - kuidfc


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NKUSIP (Package II – Belgaum)Initial Environment Examination (IEE)Program Particulars Schedule ParticipantsProgram – 3 Experiences/Best Practices in the 1day-every • PMU officialsExperiencealternativeInvestment Program-• ULB officialssharingyear from • Local NGOs• Experiences during implementation of themitigation measures of environmental commenceconcern in the Investment Program ment of• Best practices followed during Investmentimplementationprogram5.2 Environmental Monitoring Plans88. Monitoring is an essential and an integral part of the implementation of the proposedenvironmental mitigation measures. Environmental monitoring generates usefulinformation and improves the quality of implementation of mitigation measures. Thetable below (Table 5.3) presents environmental monitoring for the proposed urbandrainage component for <strong>Badami</strong> ULB and proposed slum. Monitoring plans for watersupply system rehabilitation and sewerage system for proposed slum are presented inTable 5.4 and Table 5.5. This IEE and EMP are updated as per the detailed design andany design changes. Occupational health risks and safety plan for workers are given inTable 5.6 and annual cost estimate is provided in Table 5.7.KUIDFC 50 SPAN

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