Annual Report 2005 - Leeden Limited

Annual Report 2005 - Leeden Limited

Annual Report 2005 - Leeden Limited


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47Notes to the Financial Statements- 31 December <strong>2005</strong>3. TurnoverGroup<strong>2005</strong> 2004$’000 $’000Sale of goods 51,409 38,918Sale of services 45 84Revenue recognised from development property 15,415 -Revenue from development property completed for sale 5,549 -Others 889 93373,307 39,935ACE DYNAMICS LIMITED4. Other income, profit /(loss) from operating activities and finance costsOther income, profi t/(loss) from operating activities and fi nance costs included the following :Other incomeInterest income 19 91Gain/(loss) on sale of property, plant and equipment 40 (94)Transport billing 61 104Rental of machineries 964 –Profit/(loss) from operating activities is stated after charging / (crediting) the following:Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 2,104 1,267Salaries and related costs 6,223 4,858Defi ned contributions schemes 801 560Allowance for stock obsolescence 54 412Allowance for doubtful debts (trade) 130 675Foreign currency exchange gains- realised (786) (454)- unrealised (64) (202)Expense of share-based payments 202 101Allowance for doubtful debts of an associated company – 3,113Provision for foreseeable losses of development property – 1,592Impairment loss of :- other investments (quoted) – 140- club membership – 11- investment property 80 –Allowance for other debtor – 554Compensation paid to a director for loss of offi ce for the Group – 59Loss / (gain) on disposal of an associated company 20 (574)Loss on return of investment arising from reduction of share capitalof an associated company – 882Gain on disposal of a subsidiary company (47) –Fair value change of assets held at fair value through profi t and loss 62 –Allowance for loss on development property completed for sale 512 –There are no non-audit fees paid to the auditors of the Company during the fi nancial year.ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2005</strong>

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