Educational and Financial Report - Masada College

Educational and Financial Report - Masada College Educational and Financial Report - Masada College
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Reporting Area 5: Professional learning and teacher standardsTeaching StandardsCategoryTeachers who have teaching qualifications from a higher education institution within Australia or as recognisedwithin the National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (AEINOOSR) guidelinesTeachers who have qualifications as a graduate from a higher education institution within Australia or onerecognised within the AEI-NOOSR guidelines but lack formal teacher education qualificationsTeachers who do not have qualifications as described in (a) and (b) but have relevant successful teaching experienceor appropriate knowledge relevant to the teaching context.Professional Learning At Masada College staff professional development is seen as ongoing and central to success for both teaching and learning. As we develop ourLeading Learning Masada Educational Package, all our staff are involved in ongoing Professional Development. Each staff member is in a focus group which meetsfortnightly as part of our Culture of Thinking and this is a Professional Development opportunity and has greatly increased professional dialogue amongst staff. Theintroduction of all staff to Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People began another platform of whole staff professional development. All staff have had the fulltwo day training and in 2011 three staff were trained to become facilitators. Staff are also encouraged to nominate courses (Association of Independent Schools or others)which are relevant to their needs. A large percentage of staff (up to 1/3rd in our Senior School) are involved in Board of Studies in exam setting and marking whichprovides outstanding Professional Development opportunities in terms of standard setting and peer contacts. Our New Scheme teachers have ongoing mentoring as theyprepare and work towards the standards set by the Institute of Teachers. In 2011 three staff completed the process. In 2011 approximately $85,000 was spent onprofessional learning; averaging $1,062.50 per teacher.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦IT training for all staff continues in house as well as through external providers, with a particular focus on interactive whiteboards and use of our College intranet IRockNew staff attended professional development courses and induction in houseNew staff and current staff offered “meet the Rabbi” sessionsCulture of Thinking Focus Groups continued meeting, with the introduction of socratic questioning and Bloom’s taxonomy. Thinking posters were developed by staff, produced andplaced in all classroomsTal Am, Hebrew training programs were offered to Hebrew staff in the Junior School and in the Senior School NETA mentorship continued, as well as staff being trained in the UlpanOr programClassroom management mentorship was provided for less experienced staffInteractive Whiteboard—instruction to selected staff in Senior School and all Junior School staffExecutive members attended termly AHISA, IPSHA and HICES meetings to keep updated and to develop collegial ties and referencesThree staff members were trained as facilitators from Franklin Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective peopleAll Senior school staff were provided with two days full training in the 7 Habits and one vision / implementation daySeveral staff members were involved in the consultative process for the Australian Curriculum developmentsCollege Principal visited Varsity College in Queensland to see another Leader in Me School in actionCollege Principal attended AHISA Bi-Annual Conference in AdelaideThree Executive staff attended Bialik College’s third Culture of Thinking Conference at which one of our these staff members presentedCollege Principal, Deputy Head of Senior School & Head of Junior School attended a ten day Israel Study tour in December / JanuaryStaff attended subject specific courses, primarily through the Association of Independent SchoolsMembers of staff from Administration and Maintenance commenced courses with the Applied Training Solutions group, one - Frontline Management; four—Certificate IV in Business;3 - Diploma of Management14Quantity7150

Reporting Area 6: 2011 Workplace composition, including Indigenous♦ Total teaching staff full time equivalent Senior 33.9 Junior 15.7♦ Total ancillary staff full time equivalent Senior 18.6 Junior 5.2Reporting Area 7: Student attendance and retention rates in secondary schoolsIt is the policy of Masada College that an accurate record of daily attendance is maintained using the facility of an online attendance system.All parents, Preschool to Year 12, are expected to support the College’s rules.AbsencesAdvance NotificationIf parents know in advance that a child is going to be absent from school for any reason, they should notify the Head of the relevant section of the College assoon as possible. Parents may not take children on extended holidays in term time without written permission. The Head of School will only grant permissionfor such holidays in exceptional circumstances. Students who are absent during exam/assessment periods will be issued with an estimated mark andseparate examinations will not be provided for them.Absence notesOn the day of his/her return to school, a child must bring a note from home. The note must include the date of the absence, the reason for the absence andin the case of illness, the nature of the illness.In the Senior School absence notes must be handed in to the Office before recess.In the Junior School absence notes must be handed in to the class teacher in Years K – 6.Telephonic Notification to the CollegeParents whose child will not be attending school for any reason, other than where leave has been granted, are required to telephone the Junior or SeniorSchool and leave a message on the answering machine or with the office staff, before 8.30am. This is obviously not necessary where the school knows thereason in advance of the child’s absence, but it will assist the office staff in following up absentees later in the morning.Should there be no correspondence from parents by 12 noon an SMS is sent to Senior School parents alerting them of the student’s absence and requestingfeedback and a call is made to Junior school parents.Late NotesThese are only acceptable if the reasons given are legitimate ones. Excuses such as 'woke up late' or 'missed the bus' will not prevent the student frombeing punished and students will be expected to catch-up on any work missed. Staff believe that students from Year 3 onwards are old enough to takeresponsibility for their actions and students should not seek their parents’ help in defying school regulations.15

<strong>Report</strong>ing Area 6: 2011 Workplace composition, including Indigenous♦ Total teaching staff full time equivalent Senior 33.9 Junior 15.7♦ Total ancillary staff full time equivalent Senior 18.6 Junior 5.2<strong>Report</strong>ing Area 7: Student attendance <strong>and</strong> retention rates in secondary schoolsIt is the policy of <strong>Masada</strong> <strong>College</strong> that an accurate record of daily attendance is maintained using the facility of an online attendance system.All parents, Preschool to Year 12, are expected to support the <strong>College</strong>’s rules.AbsencesAdvance NotificationIf parents know in advance that a child is going to be absent from school for any reason, they should notify the Head of the relevant section of the <strong>College</strong> assoon as possible. Parents may not take children on extended holidays in term time without written permission. The Head of School will only grant permissionfor such holidays in exceptional circumstances. Students who are absent during exam/assessment periods will be issued with an estimated mark <strong>and</strong>separate examinations will not be provided for them.Absence notesOn the day of his/her return to school, a child must bring a note from home. The note must include the date of the absence, the reason for the absence <strong>and</strong>in the case of illness, the nature of the illness.In the Senior School absence notes must be h<strong>and</strong>ed in to the Office before recess.In the Junior School absence notes must be h<strong>and</strong>ed in to the class teacher in Years K – 6.Telephonic Notification to the <strong>College</strong>Parents whose child will not be attending school for any reason, other than where leave has been granted, are required to telephone the Junior or SeniorSchool <strong>and</strong> leave a message on the answering machine or with the office staff, before 8.30am. This is obviously not necessary where the school knows thereason in advance of the child’s absence, but it will assist the office staff in following up absentees later in the morning.Should there be no correspondence from parents by 12 noon an SMS is sent to Senior School parents alerting them of the student’s absence <strong>and</strong> requestingfeedback <strong>and</strong> a call is made to Junior school parents.Late NotesThese are only acceptable if the reasons given are legitimate ones. Excuses such as 'woke up late' or 'missed the bus' will not prevent the student frombeing punished <strong>and</strong> students will be expected to catch-up on any work missed. Staff believe that students from Year 3 onwards are old enough to takeresponsibility for their actions <strong>and</strong> students should not seek their parents’ help in defying school regulations.15

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