Lesson 14: Joseph Forgives His Brothers

Lesson 14: Joseph Forgives His Brothers

Lesson 14: Joseph Forgives His Brothers


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<strong>Joseph</strong> <strong>Forgives</strong> <strong>His</strong> <strong>Brothers</strong>(Genesis 44-45)Pre Session Warm UpGod has a special plan for your life. He knows how your whole lifewill go from beginning to end. He has had every day mapped outsince before He created the world. Sometimes we don’t understandexactly how God will work out <strong>His</strong> special plan. Sometimes life mightseem hopeless. But believe me, things always work out.Maybe some of you know the verse, “All things work together forgood to those who love God…” (Rom 8:28) it was one of ourmemory verses last month. This verse has always been true for me.But, have you ever known God’s plan for your life to work out in astrange way? <strong>Joseph</strong> did.In his life so many bad things happened.... Can you think of some ofthem?• He was nearly killed; but then sold into slavery.• Potiphar’s wife falsely accused him of a terrible sin and he wassent to prison.• Before Pharaoh’s chief butler got out of prison he promised toput in a good word for <strong>Joseph</strong>, but he forgot for 2 whole years.Life must have seemed hopeless to <strong>Joseph</strong> at that point in his life.Today, we’re going to finish the story of <strong>Joseph</strong> and see how Godwas at work in all of these things.Opening PrayerFather, when we can’t see how You’re working in our lives, help usto be patient, like <strong>Joseph</strong> was. Help us to remember that You trulydo make all things work together for good for those of us that loveYou and are called according to Your purpose. We want to havegood listening ears this morning so that we might learn thewonderful life lessons You have for us in this passage of the Bible.In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.Memory VerseBut as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good,in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.(Genesis 50:20)<strong>Lesson</strong>Last week we learned that <strong>Joseph</strong>’s brothers went down to Egypttwo times to get grain. The second time they came with theiryoungest brother, Benjamin, and <strong>Joseph</strong> gave them a big feast. Butthey still didn’t know who <strong>Joseph</strong> was!Today we will pick up the story at Genesis 44. After the big feast,<strong>Joseph</strong>’s brothers were ready to load up the grain they had come tobuy and head back to the land of Canaan where their dad wasliving.<strong>Joseph</strong> came up with a final test to make sure his brothers hadchanged for the better. He wanted to see if they were onlypretending to be good. So, he decided to put his own special silvercup in Benjamin’s sack to see if they’d be honest.Genesis 44:1-2And he commanded the steward of his house, saying, “Fill the men’ssacks with food, as much as they can carry, and put each man’smoney in the mouth of his sack. Also put my cup, the silver cup, in themouth of the sack of the youngest, and his grain money.” So he didaccording to the word that <strong>Joseph</strong> had spoken.The brothers started on their way, happy that everything had gonewell and that Benjamin was safe. Suddenly, from behind, they saw ahorseman galloping toward them. As he came nearer theyrecognized the rider as a servant of the governor of Egypt.When <strong>Joseph</strong>’s servant got there he accused them of stealingsomething of great value. But the brothers denied it.Patriarchs <strong>Lesson</strong> #<strong>14</strong> Page 67

<strong>Joseph</strong> <strong>Forgives</strong> <strong>His</strong> <strong>Brothers</strong> Genesis 44-45Genesis 44:8-9“Look, we brought back to you from the land of Canaan the moneywhich we found in the mouth of our sacks. How then could we stealsilver or gold from your lord’s house? With whomever of your servantsit is found, let him die, and we also will be my lord’s slaves.”Genesis 44:11-12Then each man speedily let down his sack to the ground, and eachopened his sack. So he searched, and he began with the oldest andleft off with the youngest; and the cup was found in Benjamin’s sack.They were all heartsick and went back to town to see <strong>Joseph</strong>.Genesis 44:<strong>14</strong>So Judah and his brothers came to <strong>Joseph</strong>’s house, and he was stillthere; and they fell before him on the ground.Genesis 44:16Then Judah said, “What shall we say to my lord? What shall wespeak? Or how shall we clear ourselves? God has found out theiniquity of your servants; here we are, my lord’s slaves, both we and healso with whom the cup was found.”Judah is so sorry that he offers all of them to become <strong>Joseph</strong>’sslaves. But <strong>Joseph</strong> says, “No, I only want one slave, Benjamin.”Genesis 44:17But he said, “Far be it from me that I should do so; but the man inwhose hand the cup was found, he shall be my slave. And as for you,go up in peace to your father.”<strong>Joseph</strong> was testing to see if his brothers were still mean and selfishand would let Benjamin suffer if they could go free.Well, you can imagine how upset the brothers were. They promisedtheir father that they would keep their youngest brother safe.Judah stepped forward and pleaded with <strong>Joseph</strong>.Genesis 44:33-34Now therefore, please let your servant remain instead of the lad as aslave to my lord, and let the lad go up with his brothers. For how shall Igo up to my father if the lad is not with me, lest perhaps I see the evilthat would come upon my father?Judah is saying, “Let me be your slave instead of Benjamin. Myfather will die if my youngest brother does not return home.”How different Judah was now from the time when he convinced hisbrothers to sell <strong>Joseph</strong> as a slave, and then lied to his father aboutwhat happened to <strong>Joseph</strong>! Now Judah was so concerned for hisfather and youngest brother that he was willing to die for them.<strong>Joseph</strong> now knew his brothers were better men. Their hearts werechanged. <strong>Joseph</strong> could stand it no longer.Genesis 45:1Then <strong>Joseph</strong> could not restrain himself before all those who stood byhim, and he cried out, “Make everyone go out from me!” So no onestood with him while <strong>Joseph</strong> made himself known to his brothers.<strong>Joseph</strong> made himself known to his brothers; he had completelyforgiven them of all their wrong doing against him.Genesis 45:3-4Then <strong>Joseph</strong> said to his brothers, “I am <strong>Joseph</strong>; does my father stilllive?” But his brothers could not answer him, for they were dismayed inhis presence. And <strong>Joseph</strong> said to his brothers, “Please come near tome.” And they came near. And he said: “I am <strong>Joseph</strong> your brother,whom you sold into Egypt.”The brothers are stunned! They didn’t know what to say!Genesis 45:5-6But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves becauseyou sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life. Forthese two years the famine has been in the land, and there are still fiveyears in which there will be neither plowing nor harvesting.Page 68 Patriarchs <strong>Lesson</strong> #<strong>14</strong>

Genesis 44-45<strong>Joseph</strong> <strong>Forgives</strong> <strong>His</strong> <strong>Brothers</strong>God had it all planned. God had seen to it that <strong>Joseph</strong> became acounselor for Pharaoh and ruler of all the land of Egypt.God sometimes has strange ways of getting his plan for our lives towork out. There will be times in your life when you are totallysurprised by the way God turns the events of your life out for thebest. Truly, “All things work together for good.” We just have to bepatient. <strong>Joseph</strong> waited over 20 years to see how good could havecome out of his being sold into slavery!Genesis 45:8So now it was not you who sent me here, but God; and He has mademe a father to Pharaoh and lord of all his house and a ruler throughoutall the land of Egypt.<strong>Joseph</strong> tells them to go get their dad and bring him down to Egypt.Genesis 45:9Hasten and go up to my father, and say to him, ‘Thus says your son<strong>Joseph</strong>: “God has made me lord of all Egypt; come down to me, do nottarry.”’Genesis 45:11“There I will provide for you, lest you and your household, and all thatyou have, come to poverty; for there are still five years of famine.”Pharaoh heard about <strong>Joseph</strong>’s brothers.Genesis 45:17-18And Pharaoh said to <strong>Joseph</strong>, “Say to your brothers, ‘Do this: Load yourbeasts and depart; go to the land of Canaan. Bring your father andyour households and come to me; I will give you the best of the land ofSometimes we don’t understand why God allows certain things tohappen in our lives. But, like <strong>Joseph</strong>, we, too, must learn to trustGod and <strong>His</strong> perfect timing for our lives. <strong>Joseph</strong> did, and great washis reward. [Teacher, review the Memory verse.]Even though many bad things had happened to <strong>Joseph</strong>, Godblessed him. He had learned that no matter what evil happens, Godwill cause events to turn to good if we desire <strong>His</strong> will.<strong>Joseph</strong> and his brothers stayed in the land of Egypt for many years.But <strong>Joseph</strong> remembered that someday God would take them backto the land He promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.CLOSING PRAYER[Teacher, let one of the children close in prayer.]LEARNING ACTIVITIESCRAFT CORNERGAME CENTERCharadesEgypt, and you will eat the fat of the land.”• <strong>Joseph</strong>• Baker• CupbearerWhat happiness there was when <strong>Joseph</strong> was finally reunited withhis father and all his brothers in the land of Egypt. • Pharaoh• Potipher’s WifeEach participant will receive a word (a person’s name) taken fromthe story of <strong>Joseph</strong>. The clue giver should act out the clues in orderthat the class might guess, but can say nothing, not even a sound.He or she may encourage the direction of the guessing by noddingor shaking his head. Or, he may use his arms to gesture or hisfingers to show numbers. Topics for pantomime or game ofcharades:Patriarchs <strong>Lesson</strong> #<strong>14</strong> Page 69

<strong>Joseph</strong> <strong>Forgives</strong> <strong>His</strong> <strong>Brothers</strong> Genesis 44-45Word Search:Have the children work on a word search or cross word in class orsend home as a “take home” paper.Review Questions:Use the following review questions in another game of your choice:1. Why was <strong>Joseph</strong> in Egypt? (<strong>His</strong> brothers had sold him intoslavery.)2. Why did <strong>Joseph</strong>’s brothers come to Egypt? (To get grain. Therewas a famine in the land of Canaan; they were starving.)3. Why didn’t <strong>Joseph</strong>’s brothers recognize him? (They thought hemight be dead by now and they certainly weren’t expecting tosee him in Egypt dressed as a prince in royal clothing.)9. What did <strong>Joseph</strong> do when he saw the wonderful change in hisbrother’s hearts? (<strong>Joseph</strong> made himself known to his brothers;he had completely forgiven them of all their wrong doingsagainst him.)10. Why did <strong>Joseph</strong> tell his brothers not to be unhappy about sellinghim into slavery? (Because it was obviously God’s plan.)11. What did Pharaoh tell <strong>Joseph</strong> to do regarding their father? (Goget him and bring him and their household to live in Egypt.)12. They all stayed in Egypt for many, many years. But, what landhad God promised to the children of Israel? (The land ofCanaan.)4. What was <strong>Joseph</strong>’s final test to see if his brothers had changedafter 20 years? (He decided to put his own special silver cup inBenjamin’s sack to see what their reaction would be. To see ifthey’d be honest.)5. Who’s sack was the silver cup found in? (Benjamin’s)6. Judah was so sorry that he suggested that all of the brothersbecome <strong>Joseph</strong>’s ________________ (slaves.)7. What did Judah tell <strong>Joseph</strong>? (Let me be your slave instead ofBenjamin.)8. How Judah had changed from 20 years earlier when heconvinced his brothers to sell <strong>Joseph</strong> into slavery! What was thebiggest change in Judah’s heart? (Now he was so concerned forhis father and youngest brother’s happiness that he was willingto die for them.)Page 70 Patriarchs <strong>Lesson</strong> #<strong>14</strong>

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