Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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It was not realized, in other words, that the depopulation/globalization agenda would become asubstitute to war and not the absence of war that it was hoped to be, since war between nationswas replaced by structural violence within nations to ensure that each country solves its social,economic, and political problems before their accumulated pressures lead to the breakdown ofsocial order and ultimately to war. The foresight, knowledge and experience for this realizationdid not exist until the beginning of this century, by which time the entire national andinternational infrastructure had been harnessed to the global genocide and everyone in a positionof authority has become an accessory to crimes against humanity of an order of magnitudewithout parallel in history.So here we are today in the second phase of the depopulation agenda, which began with the falseflag event of 9/11 and seeks to ensure that the global population does not exceed 9 or 10 billionand that it peaks by 2040 or at the latest by 2050. To accomplish this mammoth goal thedepopulation program has been expanded, amplified and intensified and humankind is undersustained and devastating attack through toxin-laced food, water, beverages, air, and vaccines; aswell as through germ-warfare in the case of Africa; laws designed to break families apart andcriminalize poverty throughout the English-speaking western world; and economic measuresmeant to cause financial hardship for individuals and nations, create artificial scarcity andstrangle the social conscience of people and nations to create an environment that is antitheticalto families, children and social harmony.The entire international system, in other words, from national to regional to international organsand entities, has become the enemy of mankind, intent on stopping the natural growth of thehuman species, which has exploded and has become unnaturally rapid due to advances inmedicine, sanitation, nutrition, and daily comforts since the Industrial Revolution. By ourformidable numbers and consumption patterns we have become a mortal threat to all life on earthand to the very fabric of life and our governments and international organizations have resolvedto fight humankind the same way as an infestation of insects.This New World Order, which is commonly known as the Beast because it uses diabolicalmethods, is harming each and every human being on the planet and threatens the survival of thehuman species. The substitute to war has become worse than war itself. It preserves thephysical infrastructure, unlike conventional war, but destroys everything else: our health, ourgenes, our intelligence, our rule of law, our governing structures and institutions, our values andnorms, our dignity, our future, our humanity and our children.This is the time for NATO to provide collective defense in response to this enemy of mankind.Having provided an alternative plan to fulfilling the depopulation/globalization agenda, which isindeed necessary and unavoidable; having shattered the walls of lies, censorship and deceptionthat have allowed the diabolical methods of this international order to proceed without our995 | P a g e

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