Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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13 October 2014Jens StoltenbergSecretary-General of NATOpao@fchd.nato.intKnud BartelsChair of NATO Military Committeemoc.web@hq.nato.int, http://www.nato-pa.int/default.asp?SHORTCUT=2098Secretary-General Stoltenberg,994 | P a g eRe: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresThe stated purpose of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) since its inception in 1949has been to provide collective defense in response to an attack by an external party. Its unstatedpurpose, however, is the one that defines the alliance’s actions, and according to it the true roleof NATO is to assist the depopulation and globalization agenda conceived in 1920, but put intopractice only since 1945 when the United Nations was created to act as a neutral agency andcoordinate this core secret agenda and when the Bretton Woods financial system was institutedto facilitate trade between nations.The depopulation/globalization agenda has been pursued for seven decades to preserve the worldfrom nuclear annihilation as well as to provide freedom from fear and want. The rationale issound and simple: if every country stabilizes its population at a sustainable level and shares itsresources with the rest of the world through the open market it will never be forced by direcircumstances arising from resource scarcity to resort to war against its neighbors. As such,peace between nations could be preserved for all times and all human and financial resourcescould be harnessed for the purpose of universal prosperity.It was not realized at the beginning of this new international system, and could indeed not beforeseen, that to preserve peace within nations each and every government would have to wagewar on their own people’s fertility, as that is the only way possible to halt population growth andlive within one’s national means. Nor was it realized how difficult it would be to subvert humanfertility let alone reach consensus to pursue replacement level fertility legally and openly, whichproved to be impossible due to moral objections from religious authorities and the self-servinginterests of the political class, which forced secular authorities, both nationally andinternationally, to use covert chemical, biological, and bacteriological means to cause sterilityand sub-fertility and psychosocial and economic means to subvert the family unit and in so doingbypass democratic processes, subvert the rule of law, censor the media, manufacture consent,rule by deception, and usurp the most fundamental rights and liberties.

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