Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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planet we had to start shrinking the population, a process that takes multiple generations and thathas come to be known as the demographic transition.But in 1945, when the UN was set up to coordinate the program of population control(depopulation) and advance the program of resource sharing (globalization), neither the worldnor the Church were ready to accept the need to prevent births in order to avoid war; or the needfor nations to sell their natural resources on the open market to the highest bidder so that allcountries can purchase vital resources in order to develop rather than be forced to start a war toaccess such vital natural resources.The intractability of the Church with respect to its opposition to birth control proved to be one ofthe insurmountable structural obstacles that stood in the way of open population control at thatpoint in time in our history.By 1968, however, the Church understood that without depopulation and globalization we are alldoomed and gave secular authorities its tacit approval to use covert chemical methods to preventthe moment of conception, which is the only morally acceptable solution the Church could find,as it allows the Church to maintain its anti-abortion and anti-contraceptive stance whilecontinuing its pro-life position, a position that could not be altered due to the Doctrine of PapalInfallibility.Having tried to soften its teachings on the family and the propagation of life through the packageof reforms known as the Second Vatican Council or Vatican II, and having failed to convinceconservative elements within the Church that nothing is written in stone and the circumstancesdictate a change of teachings, Pope John Paul VI (1963-1978) issued the encyclical letterHumanae Vitae (Of Human Life, subtitled On the Regulation of Birth).In this encyclical letter, Pope John Paul VI tries to walk a tightrope to satisfy conservativeCatholics while also giving secular authorities the Church’s guarded blessings for covertchemical sterilization. For as he reaffirms the orthodox rejection of all forms of artificial birthcontrol throughout the letter he discreetly also sanctions chemical sterilization as legal in a singleand discreet paragraph, which states under the heading “Lawful Therapeutic Means”:On the other hand, the Church does not consider at all illicit the use of those therapeutic meansnecessary to cure bodily diseases, even if a foreseeable impediment to procreation should resultthere from—provided such impediment is not directly intended for any motive whatsoever.In other words, so long as secular authorities undermine fertility under the pretext of curing adisease (namely tooth decay in the case of fluoride, vitamin A deficiency in the case of GMOs,tetanus in the case of tetanus toxoid vaccines, malaria in the case of artemisinin-based drugs,etc.) the Church has no objections.Aware that this is a hypocritical position, but caught between a rock and a hard place, the Churchhas lived with this heavy moral burden since 1968.938 | P a g e

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