Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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21 September 2014Pope FrancisBishop of Rome & Sovereign of the Vatican City Stateav@pccs.va, ctv@ctv.va, asv@asv.vaPope Francis,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresFor 46 days (19 April to 3 June) I hungered at your doorsteps to rescue your soul and the Church from aneternity in hell. For 46 days you have publicly ignored me while privately meeting with the heads of theUN agencies.The account of my sacrifice and of your shame is now available to the world cost free, as all my work is.It is called “Revelation”:(http://real-agenda.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/REVELATION-final1.pdf ).This letter is testimony that I have not given up on you or on the Church. The hypocrisy with which theVatican conducts its affairs has infected the Italian state and has helped corrupt global policy with respectto the international security prerogative of population control. Unless and until you and your Cardinalschange course, the world will sink into greater evil.A change of course is only possible if all parties involved in this seven decades old genocide confess theirsins and ask the people of the world for absolution. I stand by to hear your confession and to give youand the Church absolution on behalf of the people of the world. I stand by to unburden you and to set theChurch free from the shackles of its own ignorance. You know that God has given me this mission andthat come hell or high water I will fulfill it.Until such time, I pray that you find the strength to free yourself from the influence of the Roman Curia,which you have aptly described as “a leprosy”. I know that you are a good man trying to protect theChurch, but the Church cannot be protected from itself. Besides, it is the world that needs to be protectedfrom the Roman Curia and not vice versa. And to do that, what God and history require from us both isto be extraordinary men and not just good men. You have it within you. I know that. I feel that.I pray that you will meet with me and help me help the world live in the image of God.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeA Son of ManCenter of Global Consciousness933 | P a g e

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