Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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The UK hides its vital statistics from 1900 to 1959, but it appears that the government begansubverting fertility at war’s end and pursued a policy of fertility containment until 1962 when itdecided to push fertility down to replacement level.The United Kingdom began its covert program of depopulation in 1962. Like most of WesternEurope the sixties mark the beginning of the second demographic transition, the first one havingoccurred from 1890 to 1940.From 1540 to 1890 English women gave birth on average to 5 children. In 1890, however, theBritish government began suppressing fertility through social rules and education to delaymarriage, which resulted in fewer births and also in a lot more abortions and infanticide thus909 | P a g e

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