Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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I have described the consequences of your government’s subversion of democracy from the UNlevel under the pretext of combatting terrorism and radicalization in my book “Hunger Strike:Defending Freedom of Speech, Thought and Conscience in Education”. I have yet to publish theevidence I have assembled of the vile and criminal manner in which your government incollusion with the government of Canada have perverted the courts, the police, civil society, thepress, and all oversight agencies and the international tribunals in order to falsely charge, arrestand imprison me in retaliation for my courage to speak the truth and expose your government’scrimes. But here is a teaser, my Affidavit for Civil Court.You are the third British Prime Minister since my ordeal began, which is but one of millions oflives destroyed by the system that you represent. That you are reading from the same song-sheetas your predecessors shows that nothing has changed in the UK other than the spokesperson forglobal genocide and tyranny.If you want the UK to reclaim a modicum of respect from the world and to begin having at leastsome credibility, you can start by issuing an official apology to me and my children andcompensate us for the destruction of my life, family, career and livelihood. Then and only thenwill you have provided the necessary evidence that the “special representative on extremism”that you are calling for is not just another step towards even more brutal attacks on our rights andliberties; rights and liberties that our forefathers have bled and died for and that you and yourcoalition of mass murderers are destroying because you need to keep a tight lid on the truth inorder to complete the second phase of the Global Depopulation Policy, which demands theannihilation of billions of people and the continuing subversion of human fertility and healththrough an accelerated and intensified global program of mass poisoning.In your speech you said: “Syria needs an inclusive, representative, democratic government thatlooks after the interests of its people.” You are one to talk! You almost lost Scotland because theScotts are sick and tired of the lies and treachery emanating from Westminster. The Scottscertainly do not feel represented by the brand of “democracy” practiced in the UK, the samebrand you want to saddle the people of Syria with and indeed the people of the world; the brandof “democracy” that sanctions the wholesale poisoning of the populace to extinction byadulterating the water they drink, the food they eat and the air they breathe; the kind ofdemocracy that degrades the genetic and intellectual endowment of mankind; the kind ofdemocracy that deforms children in their mothers’ wombs and then sickens them further from thefirst day of life through environmental poisons that you and your brethren genocidal maniacshave made ubiquitous; the kind of ‘democracy” that dictates what people are allowed to thinkand when they are allowed to think. That you can stand in front of the world and speak ofdemocracy and freedom with a straight face given your government’s record and the hiddenprograms you are privy too speaks volumes about your character.907 | P a g e

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