Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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Covert methods of depopulation were forced on Tuvalu in 1965 by Robert Sidney Foster, HighCommissioner of Tuvalu (1964-1969), when the island was part of the British Western PacificTerritories and administered as the Gilbert and Ellis Islands. They were continued by hissuccessors, Michael David Irving Gass (1969-1971) and Donald Luddington (1972-1976). Bythe time the British handed Tuvalu its independence in 1976 the total fertility rate had beenlowered from nearly 6 to 3 children per woman.Since independence in 1978 responsibility for covert sterilization passed onto the shoulders ofthe following prime ministers: Toaripi Lauti (1978-1981, served also as the first Chief Ministerof the Ellis islands from 1975 to 1978 so he could be taught by the British how to commitgenocide on the sly), Tomasi Puapua (1981-1989), Bikenibeu Paeniu (1989-1993, 1996-1999),Kamuta Latasi (1993-1996), Ionatana Ionatana (1999-2000), Lagitupu Tuilimu (2000-2001),Faimalaga Luka (2001-2001), Koloa Talake (2001-2002), Saufatu Sopoanga (2002-2004),Maatia Toafa (2004-2006, 2010-2010), Apisai Ielemia (2006-2010), Willy Telavi (2010-2013),and incumbent Enele Sopoanga (since August 2013).The first ten prime ministers, through their combined efforts depressed fertility from 3 to 2children per woman. The last three prime ministers have relaxed the policy and have allowedfertility to climb back up to 3 children per woman.That low fertility has absolutely nothing to do with affluence, is plainly demonstrated byTuvalu’s low per capita income of just $3,400, which makes it a poor country. And that it hasnothing to do with contraceptives is equally plainly demonstrated by Tuvalu’s low contraceptiveprevalence rate of less than 30%. As for abortion it is illegal in Tuvalu and allowed only to savethe mother’s life.Tuvalu is in stage three of the demographic transition.887 | P a g e

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