Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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planning services are just a façade for the far more effective covert methods of populationcontrol.To date, the people’s fertility is scientifically subverted by the Ministry of Health and PAHOwith fluoride supplements, fluoride veneers, fluoridated salt, endocrine disruptors such asbisphenol A and artificial sweeteners in food and beverages, and imported GMO foods, all ofwhich are weapons of sterilization in the arsenal of the UN-delegated Global DepopulationPolicy.That the people have lost their reproductive abilities is amply demonstarted by the fact thatalthough the desired family size is 3 children Trindadians and Tobagonians cannot muster evenhaving two because their reproductive organs are shot by five decades of covert poisoning.If your government continues in this vein there will be no people in Trinidad and Tobago acentury from now. Infertility among both men and women is already a large and growingproblem in your country thanks to your application of covert methods of depopulation.As I have exposed the methods and means of genocide, I am now giving the world’s 196 headsof state and government the opportunity to stop committing crimes against humanity and toinstead pursue depopulation, which is an indisputable necessity, openly, legally, justly andhonorably by legislating replacement level fertility as part and parcel of each country’srepsonsibility towards the planet and future generations. You will find my ultimatums here:https://www.scribd.com/doc/244102616/Stop-<strong>Poison</strong>ing-Us-Volumes-1-2.Until such time as you decide to restore the rule of law, I suggest to educate yourselves and yourpeople about what is at stake. You will find all the data you need in my work, which is freelyavailable here:http://uvic.academia.edu/KevinGalalaehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZf9rWLgwzGW34EITo0x7fAI look forward to meeting with you to discuss the way forward.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness862 | P a g e

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