Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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King Baudouin of Belgium is responsible for first approving the covert sterilization of his peopleand his successors, King Albert II and the current monarch, King Philippe have continued thegenocide with assistance from the following elected prime ministers: Pierre Harmel (1965-1966),Paul Vanden Boeynants (1966-1968, 1978-1979), Gaston Eyskens (1968-1973), EdmondLeburton (1973-1974), Leo Tindemans (1974-1978), Wilfried Martens (1981-1992), MarkEyskens (1981-1981), Jean-Luc Dehaene (1992-1999), Guy Verhofstadt (1999-2008), YvesLeterme (2009-2011), Herman Van Rompuy (2008-2009, rewarded for his excellent sterilizationservices with the presidency of the European Council from 2009 to 2013), Elio Di Rupo (2011-2014), and the incumbent Charles Michel who just assumed office in October 2014.Belgium had a high contraceptive prevalence rate during the mid-1970s, but by then the countryhad already reached replacement level fertility 5 years earlier. Equally suspect is that eventhough the contraceptive prevalence rate has decreased for the past 30 years, the fertility rate hasnot increased, as one would expect if contraceptives were truly the reason for low fertility.Instead, fertility continued to decrease and has been at sub-replacement level since 1973,showing no relationship whatsoever with the contraceptive prevalence rate.Belgium’s abortion rate has never exceeded 13% and was below 2% when the country reachedreplacement level fertility in 1972. Therefore, abortion is not a factor in Belgium’s fertilitydecline.The Belgian people have been robbed of their fertility and deprived of children, but have beengiven growing affluence in return, as the graph below shows.Belgium is in the fourth stage of the demographic transition and has stalled entry into the fifthand last stage through heavy immigration.86 | P a g e

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