Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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The people will not remain healthy, however, if the Tongan government gives in to UN andwestern pressure to undermine the people’s fertility through covert methods and thus adulteratethe basic elements of life – food, water and drinks – with fertility depressing toxins such asfluoride, BPA, and artificial sweeteners; involuntarily sterilize the people with toxic vaccinesadministered under various pretexts; or by feeding the people genetically modified foods.Having looked at recent data, it appears that the UN and its western backers have started tocovertly undermine your people’s fertility by injecting the women with tetanus toxoid vaccinesthat double as covert sterilizers. I therefore urge you to discontinue this practice because itincreases morbidity and mortality and because it violates the people’s fundamental rights.Sooner rather than later, however, Tonga must bring its total fertility rate down to replacementlevel because the other nations of the world will not continue to absorb the out-migrating Tonganpopulation while they themselves go to extraordinary lengths and commit genocide to stop thegrowth of their own populations. Tonga has so far been able to remain conflict-free at homebecause its excess population has migrated elsewhere thus relieving social and economicpressures at home.Statistical data shows that Tonga’spopulation has remained relativelystable because large numbers ofTongans have emigrated since 1971.They have emigrated because of thesocial implications of uncheckedpopulation growth, which include an“increase of landless male Tongans,land shortage, overcrowding, andlimited wage employmentopportunities.”Despite emigration, Tonga grew from 32,000 in the 1930s to 90,000 by 1976 and to circa110,000 today. The current population density of 140 people per square kilometer is too high forthe nation’s natural resources and therefore unsustainable.To act as good global citizens, preserve social stability at home, increase prosperity and keep theinternational community and its poisons and genocidal methods out of Tonga, I urge you tolegislate replacement level fertility and provide your people with safe contraceptives. If you donot, the UN and its western backers will either infect your people with a man-made virus, as theyhave done recently with the Ebola virus in West Africa and as they did in the past with the852 | P a g e

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