Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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28 September 2014Dalai Lamaohhdl@dalailama.com, tlekshay@gmail.comDalai Lama,Re: immediate cessation of covert methods of depopulationYou are a man who commands great respect and I am one of your many admirers. Although you recentlyretired as head of state for the Central Tibetan Administration and have intimated that the position of theDalai Lama may be abolished in the future, your role as a guiding spiritual light for all people on earth,regardless whether they are Buddhist or not, may well have reached the most important phase yet.To my knowledge you are the only spiritual leader with the courage and integrity to speak publicly andfrankly about overpopulation and the need to tackle it before it spells the end for all of us. Havingwatched your interviews and read your pronouncements on this issue, I can only encourage you to takethe next necessary step and specifically and unequivocally advise governments and the people of theworld to embrace replacement level fertility and in this manner safeguard future generations from chronicand deliberate poisoning, rescue the planet from environmental devastation, and eradicate poverty.You could also come to my defense and condemn the governments of Canada and the UK, as well as theUnited Nations, for having conducted a witch-hunt against me and abducting my children in order toforce me to acquiesce to global genocide. My children are being held hostage for three and a half yearsnow and I am being prevented from even knowing that they are alive. The Canadian judiciary has cavedin to political pressure to impose a ten-year no contact order to prevent me from being with my childrenthat is completely groundless and illegal. They have then colluded with the executive and the secretservice to falsely arrest me, exhaust me financially in kangaroo courts, bankrupt me through repeated andfabricated indictments, and to destroy my family and career in order to shatter me emotionally andfinancially.Unless my children are returned to me and I am paid compensation for damages I will have no choice butto resort to violence. The national and international authorities are completely out of control and violateand debase the rule of law that they are supposed to uphold. They exist solely to commit genocide and tocomplete the global genocide they have started.I am a peaceful man but I will never abandon my children and my fellow man to mass murderers. This isthe time for all good people to stand up and be counted. You have the world’s attention. Use it so thatwe may send these evil forces back to hell where they came from without having to resort to violence butsimply by shining light on their evil deeds.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness835 | P a g e

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