Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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Even though Tanzania began a population control program around 1980, when Julius Nyererewas president, there is no evidence to suggest that covert, coercive or involuntary methods ofbirth control were used by the government or its agencies until 2008, when the governmentallowed the UN and affiliated NGOs to subvert fertility without the people’s knowledge orconsent.Tanzania’s total fertility rate decreased from nearly 7 children per woman prior to 1980 to 5today mostly by virtue of family planning services and better access to contraceptives. Currently35% of the population uses modern contraceptives. Abortion is a non-factor since it is illegal andallowed only to save the life of a woman.Tanzania has been punished with poverty and a stagnant per capita GDP for its reluctance topoison its people.Tanzania is in stage two of the demographic transition.829 | P a g e

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