Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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Taiwan adopted population control measures in 1952 and immediately fertility started to dive.The man repsonsible for approving the mass sterilization of his people is none other than GeneralChiang Kai-shek (1928-1975), the towering political figure of Taiwan. Virtually without the useof contraceptives, he succeeded in reducing the total fertility rate from 7 children per woman in1952 to 3 by the time he died in 1975.Since abortion was illegal in Taiwan until 1985, by which time Taiwan dropped belowreplacement level fertility, it could not play any role in the fertility decline, which can only beexplained through the use of covert chemical sterilization. And since Taiwan has never declaredthat it is fluoridating either the water or the salt, we can safely assume that it has done so insecret, just as China did from 1968 to 1978.817 | P a g e

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