Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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29 September 2014Bashar al-Assad, President of Syria, sam@alshaba.comWael Nader al-Halqi, Prime Minister of Syria, editor@rtv.gov.syPresident Assad and Prime Minister Halqi,811 | P a g eRe immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresSyria is in the crossfire of western aggression intent on bringing democracy to the Middle East by hook orby crook. The brand of democracy it envisions, however, has little or nothing to do with the classicdefinition of the word, but it would be an improvement to the existing authoritarian regimes in the region.This was preordained as a matter of geopolitical and geostrategic planning by the U.S. government, asGeneral Wesley Clark has revealed. The purpose of this strategy is to control the largest oil reserves inthe world and subsume the last point of resistance to the depopulation/globalization agenda that definesthe New World Order, Islam being the only religion that cannot be controlled from the top.ISIS, the latest western creation, is used as a pretext to launch attacks on Syrian soil without UN SecurityCouncil approval and further destabilize your country and the entire region in order to recreate them inthe West’s image. The region is easy prey due to the Sunni-Shia divide and the tribal instincts that stillgovern the mentality of all Arabs and prevent the formation of national identities let alone a globalconsciousness. What the West is attempting to do, in effect, is accelerate history to bring the region intothe 21 st century, a goal I fully support by methods I wholly detest.I suggest you accept Qatar’s offer to give you asylum and cede control over your country, since you willreceive no assistance from Russia (which is a pillar of the NWO), but only after forcing the US to confessthat for the past seven decades it has forced every country on earth, through the UN, to poison the peopleinto sterility, ill-health and imbecility, which will pave the way to global legislation to control populationgrowth fairly and openly. This will ensure that the global genocide ongoing since 1945 comes to an endand the people of the non-western world are not turned into living vegetables, as the people of the Westhave been. The second condition of your surrender should be to force the international system to imposea global income structure that would restrict the income of the highest earners to ten time the salary of thelowest paid people in any given industry, as I have outlined in principle one of my OM Principles. Thiswill ensure that globalization is democratized and benefits all people on earth and not just the 1%.If you find the intelligence and foresightedness to do this, you will have earned your place in history as aglobal hero. If not, the $10.000 worth of candles you have recently purchased online while your peoplewallow in misery will be lit at your impending funeral and no one but your family will shed a single tear.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness

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