Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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From 1948 to 1964, the World Health Organization (WHO), aided by the Swiss government,experimented on the populace with fluoridated salt and water, as well as with fluoride veneersand tablets and kept the fertility rate below 3 children per woman.The Swiss government began implementing more ambitious covert depopulation measures in1964 when the total fertility rate had recovered to 2.9 children per woman since the war. Thedecision to start poisoning the Swiss people for depopulation purposes was made by thefollowing individuals who constituted the seven-member executive team of the Federal Councilat that time: Paul Chaudet (1954-1966), Friedrich Traugott Wahlen (1958-1965), Willy Spühler(1959-1970), Ludwig von Moos (1959-1971, also served as the President of the Confederation in1964, when the decision to commit genocide was made), Hans-Peter Tschudi (1959-1973), HansSchaffner (1961-1970), and Roger Bonvin (1962-1973).Switzerland has always used fluoridated salt, a sterilization method they invented, to reach itsdemographic objectives. It took Switzerland only six years to lower the total fertility rate toreplacement level, a goal reached in 1970. Switzerland reached a lowest low of 1.4 children perwoman in 2003 and since 1993 it has not managed to produce more than 1.5 children per womandue to the program of mass sterilization, which has been assiduously implemented by everyFederal Council since 1964.808 | P a g e

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