Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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that since the early 1970s the abortion rate has stabilized at around 25% and can therefore notaccount for Sweden’s low fertility.It is therefore clear that the Swedish government has used chemical poisoning with endocrinedisruptors to achieve replacement and sub-replacement level fertility. It is equally clear thatSweden’s elected officials are no longer willing to poison their people, which is why they arecalling on the European Commission to remove all endocrine disruptors from the humanenvironment.It is also equally clear that Sweden owes its prosperity to its population control program, whichis why the GDP began to rise rapidly after 1968 when Sweden reached replacement levelfertility.Sweden has been in stage five of the demographic transition since 1997, when the populationbegan declining, but it is masking this through heavy immigration in order to compensate fornegative growth rates.804 | P a g e

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