Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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eached replacement level fertility in 1968, thus before Erlander left the office of the PrimeMinister.The policy of covert depopulation has remained in place since then and both monarchs andelected prime ministers continue to poison their people into sterility to this day. Gustaf VI Adolfof Sweden (1950-1973) and the current King of Sweden, Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden (sinceSeptember 1973), are responsible for sustaining these immoral and unlawful depopulationmeasures.Equally responsible are the following prime ministers: Olof Palme (1969-1976, 1982-1986),Thorbjörn Fälldin (1976-1978, 1979-1982), Ola Ullsten (1978-1979), Göran Persson (1996-2006), and Fredrik Reinfeldt (2006-2014).The only two prime ministers who relaxed the program of mass poisoning from 1982 to 1994 areIngvar Carlsson (1986-1991, 1994-1996) and especially Carl Bildt (1991-1994). During theirleadership the total fertility rate rose from 1.6 to 2 children per woman. In 1994, however,Carlsson changed course, probably due to heavy international pressure, and reinstated thepoisons. By the time he left the office in 1996, fertility had dropped again to just 1.6 children perwoman.It is too early to tell how the current Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven, who only assumed the officein October 2004, will act.Sweden’s contraceptive prevalence rate in 2014 is 65% and can therefore not possibly explainthe country’s sub-replacement level fertility. Furthermore, there were no contraceptives to speakof after the war and during the 1950s when Sweden’s fertility dropped from 3 to 2.2 children perwoman, which is the hardest decline to accomplish because most Europeans consider threechildren their preferred family size.Abortion is even less of a factor in Sweden’s fertility decline since the rate of abortion whenfertility dropped to replacement level in the 1960s was below 5%. The historical record shows803 | P a g e

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