Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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15 October 2014Omar al-BashirPresident of Sudanhttp://www.sudan.gov.sd/index.php/en/contacts/ContactsUS#.VD5ZQGfNvIUsudan@sudanmission.org, info@fmoh.gov.sd, moj@moj.gov.sdPresident al-Bashir,Re: covert depopulation measuresPopulation control under the guise of family planning began in 1965 in Sudan, when the SudanFamily Planning Association (SFPA), an affiliate of the notorious International PlannedParenthood Federation (IPPF), was established “to reduce the high rate of natural populationincrease” and contraceptives were made available to the people through private and publicclinics. There is no evidence, however, of either coercion or compulsion between 1965 and2005, which is why the total fertility rate dropped only from a constant of 6.6 to 5.1 children perwoman; 5 children being the preferred family size of the Sudanese people according to the SudanDemographic and Health Survey 1989/1990 conducted with financial support from USAID andUNICEF and with technical assistance from the Institute for Resource Development, threeorganizations deeply involved in the global genocide.Since 5 children per woman is eons away from replacement level fertility – the stated goal of thefirst phase of the Global Depopulation Policy – and the population of Sudan ballooned from 10million in 1955 to 21 million by 1983 and to an estimated 30 million by 2000, despite a state ofcontinuous war in the country since its independence, the UN and western aid agenciesrehabilitated your nation’s Expanded Programme of Immunization (EPI) and began subvertingthe people’s natural fertility and violating their reproductive rights by inserting sterilizing agentsinto polio, measles, and tetanus vaccines, which are being delivered through routineimmunization services with or without your government’s knowledge and certainly without thepeople’s knowledge or consent. As a result, the total fertility rate has decreased from thepreferred 5 children per woman to just 3.9 today despite the fact that the contraceptiveprevalence rate is only 9% and can therefore not account for the decrease in Sudan’s totalfertility rate.Given the dire demographic and economic situation of Sudan, which is made evident by endemicfamine, high infant mortality rates, a total dependency ratio of almost 80% (73% for youth and6% for elderly), a median age of only 19 years, and the fact that 32% of Sudan’s children areunderweight, I do not for a second doubt the need for effective population control.785 | P a g e

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