Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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Being a crowded island nation, Sri Lanka has been a staunch supporter and early promoter ofpopulation control.The man responsible for introducing covert depopulation measures to Sri Lanka, then called theDominion of Ceylon, in 1958 is Prime Minister Solomon West Ridgeway Dias Bandaranaike(1956-1959). He was murdered in 1959 by Talduwe Somarama, a Buddhist monk, undoubtedlyas a result of his decision to commit genocide for population control purposes.The program was continued by all subsequent prime ministers until the Dominion of Ceylonbecame the Republic of Sri Lanka in 1972 and power passed from the prime minister to thepresident. The prime ministers responsible for committing genocide are: Wijeyananda781 | P a g e

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