Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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in 1981. Throughout his reign he suppressed fertility well below replacement level, reaching alowest low of 1.15 children per woman in 1998.King Juan Carlos I has been assisted in genocide by the following prime ministers: AdolfoSuárez (1976-1981), Felipe González (1982-1996), José María Aznar (1996-2004), José LuisRodríguez Zapatero (2004-2011), and by the incumbent Mariano Rajoy (in office sinceDecember 2011).At no point in time have contraceptives played any significant role in the decline of fertility.During the six years (from 1975 to 1981) that King Carlos I needed to bring the fertility of hispeople down to replacement level, Spain’s contraceptive prevalence rate was well below 40%.Today, it is at 65% and most Spanish people can barely muster one child since their reproductivesystems have been severely damaged by covert chemical poisoning.In the 1970s, when Spain reached replacement level fertility, abortion played no role whatsoeverin the fertility decline since the abortion rate was well below 3%. During the 1990s, thehistorical record shows, abortion remained at around 10%. Since the turn of the 21 st century,abortion has risen to 20%. At no point in time, therefore, can abortion account for the fertilitydecline.Spain is in stage four of the demographic transition and could slip into stage five within the nextfive years if it so chooses.777 | P a g e

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