Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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genocide and well exercised in mass murder, which it has committed on an unprecedented scalewith mechanical dispassion and scientific precision since 1945.Before you are lied to and cheated by the experts in death employed by the UN, its agencies, andwestern NGOs – the so-called international community, but in fact no more than a globalcoalition of lunatics, criminals and cowards – I urge you to read and disseminate my books andarticles and to watch my humble but truthful videos, which are freely available here:760 | P a g ehttp://uvic.academia.edu/KevinGalalaehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZf9rWLgwzGW34EITo0x7fAhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/kevingalalaeOnce you have done so, you will realize that the only way out of poverty and war, and the onlyway around the genocidal remedies dished out by the international community, is a self-imposedlaw that restricts every Somali to replacement level fertility and the free contraceptives necessaryto empower your citizens to assume control over their reproductive rights and limit them of theirown volition.None of the self-proclaimed civilized countries of the world have been able to do this, which iswhy the UN, aided by the Allied Powers (i.e. the U.S., the Soviet Union/Russia and the UK), hasforced governments since 1950 to bypass democratic processes and violate the rule of law inorder to covertly undermine fertility by turning the basic elements of life into weapons of massinfertility and morbidity and in the process devastate the human genome and reduce the entirepopulation of the developed world to a state akin to living dead.If you want to avoid this fate you must learn from the western experience and you can only learnfrom me since I am the world’s last remaining sanctuary of truth. The elites of the world haveset humanity in self-destruct mode and their agenda will end up in unprecedented bloodshed anda global purge the likes of which the world has never seen. This is my warning and notice tothose who have joined the genocidal lobby:https://www.scribd.com/doc/244102616/Stop-<strong>Poison</strong>ing-Us-Volumes-1-2.If you decide to make the right choice and avoid following the West in misery and evil, I willtravel to Somalia to assist you in any way I can and without expectations of rewards or ulteriormotives.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness

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