Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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(2004-2008, 2012-2013), Alenka Bratušek (2013-2014), and incumbent Miro Cerar (sinceSeptember 2014).The freely elected leaders of Slovenia have kept the people’s fertility suppressed well belowreplacement level, reaching a lowest low of 1.2 children per woman in 2003 and climbing sinceto 1.5 children per woman.Since 1994, when Slovenia’s contraceptive prevalence rate reached a historic high of 74% (ofwhich only 63% by modern contraceptives), the government has been hiding the data in order toconceal the fact that the country’s sub-replacement level fertility has nothing to do with thepeople’s use of contraceptives and everything to do with the government’s use of endocrinedisruptors.The historical record shows that abortion has played a secondary role in Slovenia’s fertilitydecline in the 1960s and 1970s when the abortion rate was around 25%, and during the 1980sand 1990s when the abortion rate climbed to 40%, but has played an increasingly minor rolesince the turn of the century, when poisoning by endemic endocrine disruptors from the Westbecame the norm and people have stopped conceiving. Since the turn of the 21 st century, theabortion rate has steadily declined (from 32% in 2000, to 23% in 2006, to 18% in 2009, and to15% in 2014) yet the total fertility rate has remained stuck at below 1.5 children per woman,where it has actually been since 1989 despite wild changes in the abortion and contraceptiverates.Slovenia is in stage four of the demographic transition and it will slip into stage five within thenext five years.751 | P a g e

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