Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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woman because the Soviet Union decreed so and the government adjusted its covert chemicalsterilization program accordingly. Since the 1980s and until today the contraceptive prevalencerate has been relatively constant at around 75% yet fertility has declined continuously reachingreplacement level in 1989, 1.5 in 1995, a lowest low of 1.2 in 2002, and has remained below 1.4since then. In other words, contraceptive use has no bearing on the fertility rate whatsoever sincefertility is adjusted by remote control through government poisons. Nor can abortion account forthe fertility decline since the historical record shows that fertility has been relatively constant at15% to 30% since 1958, peaking over that rate slightly during the late 1980s and early 1990s.Slovakia has entered the fifth and last stage of the demographic transition in 2001.746 | P a g e

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