Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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Prime Minister Lee stayed in power until 1990, by which time the total fertility rate declinedfrom 6.6 children per woman prior to 1956 to just 1.8 children per woman. By 1990 the peopleof Singapore began to realize that they are as sterile as lab rats and have stopped buyingcontraceptives, which is a complete waste of money so long as you drink fluoridated water. Thatis why the contraceptive prevalence rate has steadily declined and is currently at 11% while thetotal fertility rate of the Singaporean people is lower than ever at 0.8 children per woman. Andthe majority of these children are born to immigrant mothers because most women born andraised in Singapore are sterile.Abortion, the historical record shows, has never exceeded 35% and has been below 20% since2005. As such, it can account neither for the past decline in fertility from more than 6 childrenper woman to replacement level nor for the current sub-replacement level fertility.Lee’s successors have stayed the course: Goh Chok Tong (1990-2004) and incumbent Lee HsienLoong (since August 2004). Singapore’s presidents have kept the code of silence: Yusof binIshak (1965-1970), Benjamin Sheares (1971-1981), Devan Nair (1981-1985), Wee Kim Wee(1985-1993), Ong Teng Cheong (1993-1999), S. R. Nathan (1999-2011), and incumbent TonyTan (since September 2011). These individuals are very fond of flogging people when they infact are the only people who truly deserve to be flogged senseless.Singapore has been handsomely rewarded for its genocidal zeal with an exploding GDP. Assoon as the country reached replacement level fertility in 1980 the GDP began to reach for thesky. Once again, it is low fertility that brings affluence and not vice versa, as the pundits and thedeceivers would want us to believe.Singapore has long reached the fifth and last stage of the demographic transition but hides thisfact with a very high immigration rate.741 | P a g e

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